The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 13: The American post-apocalyptic horror tv series is now airing the tenth season of the series. The installment was divided into two halves. The first half of the series premiered on October 6, 2019. The second half of it premiered on February 23, 2020. Now the thirteenth episode of the show will release on 22nd March 2020. The episode is titled- What we become.
The show is created by Frank Darabont. It is based on the eponymous series of comic books by Tony Moore, Robert Kirkman, and Charlie Adlard. This season of the show is majorly focusing on the group’s preparation and their war against the Whisperers. It’s been months since the first shoot-out took place. It was done by Alpha in the community fair. So, this united the communities to initiate and fight against the Whisperers.
Is Michonne Leaving In The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 13?
Now the storyline of the show has started resolving to a great extent. Alpha is dead at the hands of Negan. Now, all the attention will shift to Michonne. The last time fans got to see her was when she was going towards the sunset to help Virgil as they got into a boat. He had asked her to help him with his family. She is perhaps obliged to do so. However, the trailer for the upcoming episode of the season shows that things are not the way they seem to be.

What Does The Promo Reveal?
The promo of Walking dead season 13 reveals that Virgil and Michonne will go on the island. There they will find it eerily empty. The people of the island are missing, and the suspicions are only escalating. In the promo, Michonne looks alarmed as they could not find Virgil’s family. She tells him that she needs to get back. There are a lot of lives at stake. To this, Virgil sardonically says that now all those Whisperer folk is getting her percolating now. However, at that time, Michonne was very serious. She holds a lade against his throat and demands him to tell her where his family is.
However, Before he gets to answer the question, trailer cuts. It then starts with Michonne and Virgil going up with their boat in the flams. The Walking dead appears to be into an episode of lost. After that, Virgil warns that the island is not clear. It was until the others came. These words keep ringing in the background as a creepy montage of scenes appears. In the scenes, Michonne explores the compound on the island. She looks inside various boxes and really strange rooms.
Along with that, Michonne Keeps her sword close. She goes on to make her way across the island. She suggests that there are others somewhere else on the island. The trailer ends with Michonne exploring the island. She has a company of two Walkers who lead her. They might be a form of protection. However, then Virgil fans do not get to see Virgil.
AMC Shared a Sneak Peek
Recently, AMC has shared a sneak peek of The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 13. In the video, fans can see Virgil asking Michonne to mercifully kill his wife and children. They have apparently reanimated as Walkers. He also reveals that he could never develop fighting skills. So he will not be able to do the task himself. Since there is a lack of characters in the promo, it looks like this will mainly focus on Michonne and Virgil’s adventure. It looks like fans will now finally get to know what has happened to Michonne. She will be the star of the week.