Humans Season 4: Are There Any Possibilities of Renewal Left?

Humans Season 4

Its been long since the audience saw the Synths. The third season of Humans ended in July 2018, and since then, the audience was asking for Humans Season 4. Recently, the co-creator of the show, Sam Vincent flashed some news on Twitter about the fourth season. However, the news came out as a shock for the audience.
Unfortunately, according to Vincent’s tweet, the sci-fi series will not return for its fourth run. The news about the cancellation tore down the fans as they were pretty sure that the fourth season of Humans will definitely arrive.

Humans is a science fiction series based on the Swedish science fiction drama Real Humans. The series follows the exploration of artificial intelligence and robotics. It focuses on the social, cultural, and psychological impact of the invention of anthropomorphic robots known as Synths.
The show is a collaboration between AMC in the United States and Channel 4 and Kudos in the United Kingdom. The first two seasons of Humans were a success with pleasing critic acclamations. Humans was Channel 4’s highest-rated drama since the 1992 program The Camomile Lawn. However, the third season did not reach quite much the expectations and saw a significant decrease in the viewership as well as the ratings.

Humans Season 4: There Were possibilities

Last Year, Vincent and Jonathan Brackley (co-creator) stated in an interview about the possibilities for the fourth season. According to them, they had a story to tell, if they get lucky enough to get Humans Season 4 (that they didn’t). They also added that there are quite some ideas that they have and will do their best to communicate those ideas to the powers that be. However, the show still got canceled because of its degrading viewership and ratings.

What Could Have Happened in Humans Season 4?

The third season of Humans was a hell of a surprise for the fans — the shocking demise of Mia (Gemma Chan) as the de-facto leader of the Synths. Niska (Emily Berrington) took over her position. Niska also evolved to reach a new stage in Synth evolution. Meanwhile, Mattie (Lucy Carless) and Leo (Colin Morgan) had conceived their first human/Synth hybrid child.
humans season 4
The third season left the audience at a cliffhanger. Therefore, if Channel 4 renews the show, which is quite unlikely, there are certain story-lines that it could explore. The birth of that hybrid child and its actions in the world would be explained. Moreover, Niska’s takeover and evolution will be quite interesting to watch.
The show has been officially canceled. However, the fans are still hoping for the renewal. Stay tuned for the next updates on Humans Season 4.

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