The Young and The Restless recap reveals that the Tuesday episode of the soap opera was about some characters struggling to settle in. While for others, it seems to be a jolly good ride. First, viewers saw Chance struggling with his past. Next, Devon had a bad dream about Dominic. Viewers also saw Nick celebrating his belated birthday with his loved ones. While Nick celebrates, his son Noah struggles with his feelings for Tessa. The January 11, 2022 episode also witnesses Mariah and Tessa sharing their good news with the group. What will that good news be? Keep reading to find out.
The Young And The Restless: Chance is Struggling
Starting off Tuesday’s episode, Viewers saw Chance struggling because of his past. First, Abby appreciated Chance for narrating a bedtime story to Dominic. Then, she mentioned that she heard everything on the baby monitor while Chance was upstairs with Dominic. Chance got a bit offensive with this and expressed that it is good to have a backup.
Abby reassured Chance that she didn’t mean it like that. She also made Chance believe that he can do everything when it comes to Dominic. But, Chance told Abby that it is the other stuff that he is not good at. Abby also told him that parenthood is a fulfilling and significant journey they have to take together. She also thinks that marriage is a union of two people for good and bad.

After a while, Abby goes for a shower upstairs, and Chance stares out the window continuously. Chance’s past is haunting him, and he thinks about the explosion he saw. He gets so busy with this that he misses Dominic crying out on the baby monitor nearby. Once Chance comes back to reality, he hears Abby coming out of the shower. He also hears Abby telling Dominic sorry that she didn’t hear him and guessing that Daddy must have fallen asleep.
When Abby comes down, Chance pretends that he slept. After that, he expresses his desire to sit with Abby on the sofa for a while. Abby insisted on checking on Dominic one more time before bed. Chance expresses that he would love that, but stops at the bottom of the stairs.
The Young And The Restless: Devon’s Bad Dream
Over at the Penthouse, Devon is a mess. He won’t be able to pay much attention to the movie he is watching with his girlfriend, Amanda. Amanda understands that this is about Dominic and asks Devon to talk about it.
After a while, Devon falls asleep. Then, he sees a bad dream where Dominic is crying somewhere. Wherein Devon starts searching for Dominic at the penthouse as he yells, “Daddy is coming”. When Devon wakes up, he tells Amanda about his bad dream and asks Amanda if this means something.
Later, Devon accepts and tells Amanda that he wants to play a bigger role for Dominic. He does not want to just fill in when Chance is not available. He wants to be there Dominic for his entire life. Devon will think that if that’s selfish, but Amanda reassures him that he is not wrong for wanting to give Dominic all the love in the world. Devon also won’t make any decision based on a bad dream or while he’s exhausted.
Nick Celebrates His Birthday
Tv Season & Spoilers previously reported that Nick would have his belated birthday surprise at Crimson Lights. Since Nick was in Milan on his birthday, he got to celebrate it now with Sharon, Mariah, Tessa, Noah, Faith, and Moses. The whole gang turned the birthday celebration into the opportunity to roast Nick. They all told funny stories about him and his bad dad jokes.
Nick also informed Sharon that he has offered Noah a job offer at New Hope, and she got intrigued. Furthermore, He reveals that he wants to expand New Hope, and Noah would be a perfect fit. Noah hasn’t given an answer to Nick just yet, but he is considering it.
Then everyone gathered together and sang a birthday song as Nick cuts the cake and opens presents. Sharon’s present was the most special one as it’ll be an old Shirt she found in a vintage shop. It was just like the one Nick’s favorite that he had lost and couldn’t stop talking about it.
Once the party comes to an end, Nick insists on staying with Sharon to help clean the place. They also discuss how he has been spending more time with his family, and he is grateful for it. Nick also mentioned that their kids have something unique, and Sharon smiles at how it’s only getting stronger now. Nick mentions that he asked for a happy family while blowing out his candles; Sharon nods her head and says she already knew that. She further adds that she knows Nick very well. The spoilers suggest that chemistry might be on the verge of building up between Sharon and Nick.
The Young And The Restless: Mariah and Tessa’s News
The Young And The Restless viewers know that Mariah and Tessa are planning to start a family together. However, at Nick’s Birthday celebration at Crimson Lights, Mariah accidentally slips something to an excited Faith about her baby plans with Tessa. Mariah and Tessa felt sorry that the party was supposed to be about Nick, but Nick won’t mind at all. On the contrary, he was thrilled about the same.
In a moment alone with Tessa, Noah discussed her adoption planning with Mariah. She reveals that they are still in the early stages and add that she is glad to have close friends like Noah in times like these. When Tessa and Mariah discuss their adoption plan with everyone else, Noah looks sad and decides to head out. Sharon becomes a little concerned about his son as he walks out.
The Young & The Restless will take these storylines further in the next episode. What do you think will happen to Chance? Will Devon get his rights as a father? Share your opinions in the comments below. Tv seasons and spoilers are your one-stop for all the soap-related news. So, stay tuned.