The latest The Young and the Restless spoilers for the week of January 11 say that tension will arise between Nick and Victoria in the upcoming days. Phyllis will continue to find dirt on Victoria. Nick will also think of his revenge against Victoria. As we move forward in the week, Summer will go to L.A. there will be a crossover between The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless. Would Summer be able to find what she is looking for? Keep reading to know-
The Young and the Restless: Nikki Starts Getting Worried
According to the latest Young and the Restless spoilers, tensions will start arising between Victoria and Nick in the upcoming days. This will have Nikki worrying. There is a good chance that Nikki would try to get between the two of them. Spoilers say that there is also a good chance that Nick and Victoria’s relationship would continue to go down south hill. Not just that, Phyllis is also scheming, and that would only make matters worse.

Phyllis Asks Kevin
Speaking of Phyllis, The Young and the Restless spoilers hint that she will start pressurizing Kevin in the upcoming week. When it comes to the thumb drive that has information on Victoria, Phyllis will urge you to have it. Kevin will first hesitate to share. However, Phyllis will do everything she can to change his mind.
The Young and the Restless: Nick’s Revenge
As Phyllis continues to pressure Kevin, spoilers say that Nick will start making plans to get back at Victoria this week. Is he aware of the kind of dirt Phyllis has on Vicky? If not, he will find out soon. On the other hand, Victoria will do something petty that will set Nick off. With that said, when Nick comes to know what Phyllis has in mind, would he encourage her? We will have to wait and watch.
Amanda And Naya Meets
On the other side of the town, Amanda decides to move ahead with her instincts. She will show up at Naya’s house. The Young and the Restless spoilers say that Naya will be shocked when she opens the door and finds Amanda there. Other related teasers say that Amanda and Naya will sit down and chat. Benedict will admit something about her past that will shock Amanda.
The Bold and The Beautiful and The Young and the Restless Crossover
All the Young and the Restless fans, a fun treat is coming up for you. The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful will have a cross over in the week of January 11. Spoilers say that Summer will meet Wyatt Spencer from The Bold and the Beautiful in L.A. in the upcoming days. She will decide how to approach Spencer Publication about promoting JCV. Viewers know that there is another big reason for this meeting. Summer wants to dig some dirt on Sally Spectra.
Summer Makes Connections
Spoilers say that Summer will have a new BFF in the upcoming days. She will become friends with Flo Fulton from The Bold and the Beautiful. Spoilers say that Wyatt will not tell anything to Summer about his ex- Sally Spectra. However, Flo will be more than happy to do that. She will be quite hesitant at first, but then Summer will persuade her. The Young and the Restless fans must gear up to see Flo and Wyatt on the soap opera in the week of January 18.
The Young and the Restless: Abby Is Worried
Spoilers say that Abby will have Chance and their future on her mind. The two will start planning something together. It looks like they will be discussing a baby. There is a fair chance that Abby might become worried that she wouldn’t be able to conceive. Spoilers say that she will go up to Victoria, Mariah, and Tessa and open up about her concerns.
Sharon Takes Decisions
The Young and the Restless spoilers say that Sharon and Nick will meet each other in the week of January 11. When they meet, they will make some decisions regarding Faith. Would they decide to keep Faith away from Jordan? Phyllis recently realized that Jordan could be a bad influence on Faith. In the meantime, Sharon will spend some time with Adam. Related teasers say Adam will confide in Sharon about Chelsea’s condition.
The Young and the Restless: Billy’s Move
Lily will be shocked when she comes to know that Billy did something reckless. Kyle will be quite upset about the moves Billy has made. It looks like Lily and Kyle will be concerned about the same thing. The difference will be, Lily will be looking out for answers while Kyle will just want payback. Lastly, Devon would do something that would shock Nate. Would Hamilton decide to bury their issues and move on? It is also possible that he would make a move on Elena.
Whatever happens there, we know that Devon will be shocked to the core. This upcoming crossover between The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless will be a lot of fun too. Abby will have some issues on her mind, which she will open up about soon. You keep watching the soap opera and don’t miss this fun. We will keep you updated with all the news about the soap as we get it. So, you stay tuned.