The Bold and the Beautiful Comings & Goings February 2020: Bridget Forrester Is Coming Back After Two Years

The Bold and the Beautiful

It looks like someone is coming back to The Bold and the Beautiful to stir things up in the land. That someone is surely Bridget Forrester who is coming in to heat things up on the soap opera. Why is she coming in? What will her storyline be? Are the main questions. Here are the details on that.

Bridget Is Coming Back!

Yes, you read that right. Bridget Forrester is coming back. Ashley Jones plays Bridget on The Bold and the Beautiful. She took on to Instagram to share the happy news with fans. Captioning her picture, she showed her excitement. She has had the best assistance at work, she said. However, he was a bit confused, so she had to lower his fee, the actress captioned. She had brought her son on the sets.

Furthermore, she wrote, Her trick backfired because the little guy thought that was the GREAT MONEY! She is very happy being back on the set. Here’s the post have a look.

We know that there are alot many shows that tape at the Television city studio, so is it confirm that Jones is coming back for the Bold and the Beautiful? Yes! If you swipe on the post, the actress has even shared pictures of the script for the upcoming episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful. So, yes indeed, Ashey is back as Bridget.

B&B: It’s Been Long Since Fans Saw Bridget!

Ashley is indeed coming back only for a few episodes, but that’s sure that she will make a big splash when she comes. For very long, fans have been waiting for the actress to reprise her role. There’s a lot of Mess going on in The Bold and the Beautiful so, Ashley’s entry now would be very, very interesting. Fans have welcomed her whole-heartedly. One fan said, “So glad that you’re back,” another said tweeted that he can’t wait to see her.

Ashely first debuted back in 1997 on The Young and the Restless. After portraying the role for a few years, she married Tony. Soon after he died, the actress took a break from the business. Then she bagged the role of Bridget Forrester and played the part till 2010. She returns every year for the Forrester family events. In 2016 Jones joined General Hospital to play Parker, a college professor. She was last seen on The Bold and the Beautiful back in 2018 Christmas episode, and now, she is coming back. What is bringing her in?

Why Is She Coming In?

One of the main reasons could be to support her mother, Brooke Logan. Brooke is in a big war with Quinn, and if it lasts long, Bridget will help her mother through it. Other than that, she will mainly help her mother to understand the seriousness of her failed marriage. The only sad part here is Bridget will be coming for very limited episodes. If there’s any luck, it is possible that she might become a mainstay? Who know! Fingers cross on that.

The Bold and the Beautiful

No matter what happens, this comeback will inevitably cause changes in the storylines leading to more entertainment. It will be interesting to see how the story proceeds after this entry. Ashley will be coming back on our screens as Bridget Forrester on March 30, 2020. Until then, the war between Quinn and Brooke is on. Ridge is also trying to get his relationship on track with Brooke. Stay tuned with TV Season Spoilers to get The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers and B&B updates for upcoming episodes.

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