General Hospital viewers recently saw Roger Howarth coming into the canvas as a new character named Austin. We know that he is a doctor. However, we don’t know anything more about him. The latest General Hospital spoilers reveal that it is possible that Austin might somehow be connected to Scott Baldwin. How is that possible?
General Hospital spoilers imply that it is possible that he might be Scott Baldwin’s that son, who he never knew about. How would the storyline play out? Here is everything you need to know-
Is Austin Scott’s Son?
While many General Hospital spoilers had been speculating that Austin could be Franco’s identical twin, it doesn’t look like it would be true. Because if that were to happen, at least two General Hospital characters have seen him now, and they would have recognized him.
Austin helped Maxie deliver the baby. However, Maxie did not show any kind of recognition. Although when Austin and Maxie came to the hospital, for a minute, it looked like Elizabeth could pick on some resemblance when she looked at Austin at first. Spoilers reveal that this could be because Austin might be Franco’s half-brother.

It is possible that Scott might have had a child with one of his girlfriends in the past. But he didn’t know about that. So, if that were to be true and Austin could be Scott’s son, Scott will be more than happy to welcome his son with open arms. Viewers know that Scott had many children. However, we only get to see a few. So, knowing that he has a child, Scott will be over the moon.
General Hospital: Austin Is Associated With An Important Port Charles Family
General Hospital viewers know that recently, we reported some leaks that reveal that Austin will be associated with a prominent General Hospital family. Could this prominent family be the Baldwin family? Long-time General Hospital viewers would know that Baldwins were once a well-known family. While there aren’t many Baldwins left in Port Charles now, there was a time when they were very influential. So, it wouldn’t be a shock if Austin comes and fits right into the family.

What Will Be Austin’s Storyline?
It is possible that Austin might come to Port Charles and end up looking for his long-lost family. His interest might be peaked when he sees Baldwin on Elizabeth’s hospital badge. After all, she will be the first person he sees when he wakes up in General Hospital. That might give him a reason to stay.

With that said, he now already knows Maxie. So, he might get involved with her storylines too. On another note, what if Austin comes to Port Charles and helps Britt with the Huntington’s disease diagnosis? That is indeed possible. We will have to wait to see how Austin’s storyline rolls out from here. We will keep you updated with all the new information about General Hospital as it surfaces. So, stay tuned.