Days of Our Lives Spoilers For September 12, 2022: EJ Confronts Johnny-Ava, Stefan Rejects Gabi

Days Of Our Lives spoilers for September 12, 2022, reveal that EJ will witness Johnny and Ava’s steamy session. So, he will confront the two and will be furious with Ava. On the other end, Paulina will have some updates for Allie and Chanel. Over with Stefan, he will reject Gabi, ultimately breaking her heart. Over with Alex, he and Stephanie will have a drink together. Keep reading and find out what is brewing in Salem this Monday.

Stefan Rejects Gabi

In the DiMera crypt, Gabi will come across Stefan. Initially, she will think he is Jake. But soon, she will know that it is not Jake but his twin Stefan standing in front of her. Days Of Our Lives spoilers say Gabi will be stunned to see her “dead” husband. So, she will be on cloud nine. This will lead her to plant a kiss on Stefan, but he will dodge it and push her away. 

Days Of Our Lives

Looks like Dr. Rolf’s brainwashing technique worked wonders. So, when Stefan returned back to the land of the living, he will only remember Chloe as his love interest. As for Gabi, she will get another shock when Stefan rejects her and heads straight to Chloe. Later, Li will come to comfort Gabi as she will be devastated after Stefan’s rejection. 

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: EJ Confronts Ava-Johnny

Ava and Johnny will come more closer on Monday’s episode. Their closeness will escalate, and they both will end up having a make-out session. Days Of Our Lives spoilers claim that EJ will witness Johnny and Ava’s intimate moment. So, he will be stunned to see his son with her.

Not to mention, EJ previously accused Ava of seducing Johnny. So, he will not back off and will know it is the right time to confront her. EJ will accuse Ava again, but Johnny will come to her defense. EJ will point out that Ava is messing around with someone young enough to be her son. Whatever the case, Johnny will not be bothered about the age gap. 

Paulina Informs Allie-Chanel

Further on Days Of Our Lives, Paulina will have some updates for Allie and Chanel. She will inform them that she has decided to stand for the Governor role instead of Abe. So, Allie and Chanel will be happy for and will wish her luck. Now that Paulina has gotten a green signal from her husband and daughter, she will be ready to move forward with her decision.

Elsewhere, Alex will invite Stephanie for a drink. But, she will turn down his offer. However, they both will later end up crossing paths at the Bistro. Recently, Stephanie is acknowledging Alex’s efforts to impress her. So, when he again asks her, she will agree to have a drink with him. With this, she will also get to know him a bit more. Stay tuned and watch Days Of Our Lives. From Monday, September 12, 2022, DOOL will move to Peacock streaming app. So, watch the episodes with a premium subscription. For more updates and spoilers, visit our website, TV Season & Spoilers. 

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