‘Sister Wives’: Janelle Reveals The Family Isn’t Close Anymore, Supports Kody’s One Big House Idea

Sister Wives

The whole idea behind polygamy is to have a big and happy Sister Wives family. However, after taking a look at the current circumstances of the Sister Wives family, we can say that the closeness is lost. Janelle seems to be the one worrying about it the most. As for Kody, he is not backing down with the idea of building one big house for the family. Janelle thinks that it’s a good idea as the family is not as close as it used to be. Let’s take a look at this in detail.

Janelle Expresses Concern Over The Bond of The Sister Wives Family

According to Janelle, what the family had is Utah is lost. She thought that the entire idea of living together was brilliant. Janelle thinks that in the past, the family used to be close. Now, they are definitely not as close as they used to be. She is afraid that if they decide to live in four separate houses, their culture will slowly drift apart. 

Sister Wives

It’s clear that Kody’s dream home undoubtedly aligns with her opinion of their living arrangements. Janelle is entirely on-board with the one big house plan, and she has made it quite clear. On the other hand, Christine completely opposes the plan and has no intention of ever taking it into consideration. 

Janelle Persuades The Wives To Hear Kody Out

When everyone was opposing Kody about his plan to live with all his wives in one home, no one was keen on even hearing about it. But Janelle persuaded the family to hear him out before deciding. Robyn still seems to be in a pickle about it. She has stated that it’s an important decision. 

As for Meri, she doesn’t seem to care much about what they do with the living arrangement. Considering that she hardly spends much time with the family, it’s not something for her to think about anyway. However, Meri stated that she could see how that can work out. But the preview clip didn’t show anything beyond that. She could have said that she would like to try. On the other hand, she could have also said that she is out of it even if it works for the rest.

Sister Wives: Kody and Janelle Are On The Same Page

Kody and Janelle’s relationship seems to be the most effortless of all. He is having issues with Meri. Most fans, as well as other members of the Brown family, have accused him of having Robyn as her favorite. Christine has displayed some signs of jealousy issues at various stages of her marriage with Kody. 

As for Janelle, she never seemed to have major issues with Kody and has always been a little laid back when it comes to intense family matters. This time, she is on the same page with Kody. Do you think the Sister Wives family will end up together? Let us know in the comments below.

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