Fans have previously seen Vanessa Cobbs leaving the Snowden family of Seeking Sister Wives. She left the show without any proper explanation. Well, Ashley and Dimitri were the ones who took the step forward to explain the situation. However, fans only got to know one side of the story. So, how can one test its reliability? Is it all true what Ashley and Dimitri have explained to the fans? Let us look into the other side of the story as well.
Seeking Sister Wives: Snowden Family And Vanessa Have Two Different Stories
Ashley and Dimitri Snowden met Vanessa back in Season 2. Vanessa perfectly got fit into the family. However, suddenly she left everything and decided to quit Snowdens, as exclusively reported by TV Season Spoilers. The family was broken by the incident that happened. However, they think that Vanessa had a whole adventure ahead and therefore was less sad than the Snowdens.
Snowden’s also shared the details of what happened. They say that Vanessa was acting different ever since she went on the birthday trip. After returning, she had a change of heart and decided to leave. Ashley and Dimitri shared that Vanessa ended the relationship they had via a text message. Was Vanessa so harsh? Or is it just the half side of the story?

Vanessa Cobbs was never seen to open up about the polygamy relation she had with Snowdens. However, once she was seen to share a cryptical story. It said, “Three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth.” What truth is she talking about? It seems to be a response to the Snowden family. But fans have not got to know Cobbs’ side of the story. The viewers would someday like to hear it.
Seeking Sister Wives: Is Polygamy To Be Blamed For Breaking Of Relations?
The Snowden family poured their feeling out on Instagram. They wrote a long message describing the situation with Vanessa, as they are saddened by Vanessa’s departure. However, they do respect her feelings and want her to move on. The family also described the wonderful experience they had with Vanessa.
Now, Snowden would like to join hands with more like-minded people. They further stated, “We know that it is not polygamy to blame, as one does not blame monogamy when things don’t work out.” Ashley and Dimitri think that the most important thing in a relationship is compatibility, aligned values, and joy. Moreover, the couple shows not having any ill-feeling towards Vanessa. They wish her peace and happiness in the life ahead.
Ashley and Dmitri have now met two women. The first one is Christine, 32, from South Africa. And, the second one is Tayler, a henna artist from Atlanta. Fans need to wait further to see whether only one or both will become Sister Wives. Seeking Sister Wives will continue to be there on TLC and Discovery+ every Monday.