Mama June: Who Will Mama June Choose Between Daughters And Geno? After Her Sobriety

Mama June


Mama June, along with her boyfriend, Geno Deek, has been sober for fourteen months. However, the journey has not been an easy one for either of them. They had to and still are proving to be sober to people. The couple has to wake up and struggle every day to live a better life. Although it was not an easy task. However, they managed to do it anyway. And recently, the 41-year-old star opens up about her life.

Mama June: Get Your Laughs On For The New Season

Mama June is now sober and full of energy. The 41-year-old reality star has finally come out of the drug phase. She confirmed that in this season, fans will get to see the new side of June. The reality star also opened up about the upcoming side of hers in an interview with ET Online. June speaks of sharing the road to addiction in the previous season. That was the emotional part of her journey. This time things will be different. The star says her fans to be ready for the laugh on. Moreover, the emotional side will still continue to be there in June’s life.

The coming installment of the show will be another emotional ride for June and Geno. The couple will complete 14 months clean on the upcoming March 27. Both have been sober ever since January 2020. They are all clean and filled with energy. She will indeed bring fun and a new side of hers on the screen this time.

Mama June

Mama June Don’t Ever Want To Go Back To The Lifestyle She Had

June has to go back to memory lane every time and explain the scenario when she was a drug addict. She regrets having the lifestyle which she earlier had. Mama June says, “I don’t ever want to go back to that lifestyle.” She wakes up every morning, counting the day of her sobriety. June reminds herself each morning that she has to stay clean for the next 24 hours. Her reminder of staying clean is the ultimate saving part of her life. The couple has been fortunate to come out of the addictive life. And now, Mama June will rebuild her brand and rise from all the suffered loss.

As for surety, the production holds June accountable for staying sober. The drug test is performed every week on her. June admits, “if you do not go take a drug test one week, or if Geno or I fail, then I can not be in the show.” Therefore, there is no way of hiding for her and Geno.

June To Either Pick Gino Or Her Kids

Ever since being sober, Mama June is making an effort to build things back with her daughters. She is a mother of four, Anna, 26, Jessica, 24, Pumpkin, 21, and Honey Boo Boo, 15. Although June has missed a big part of her daughter’s life, she now wants to make up for everything. June finds her relationship with kids to be a ‘work in progress.’ A lot of people, along with Pumpkin, think that Geno had a large impact on Mama June getting involved in the drug world. However, June claims it to be wrong. The 41-year-old knows that she is the only one responsible for her drug life.

What will June further do if asked to pick either her daughters or Geno? June confidently that she always picks her daughters’ side. She knows that men come and go, but family always stays. Let us further wait to see her on the new season of Mama Juen.

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