Counting On: Josh Duggar’s Case To Be Prosecuted As Part Of ‘Project Safe Childhood’ in Court, Might Serve 40 Years In Jail & Heavy Fine

Counting On


It seems the worst of the worst is still waiting ahead for Josh Duggar. Former Counting On star was lately arrested for receiving and possessing materials depicting child abuse. Child sexual exploitation is some serious accuse. And Josh’s case is prosecuted as a part of Project Safe Childhood. It looks like Josh is about to suffer some strict punishment if he gets convicted of any of the crimes that he is charged with. Let us look in detail at what is about to happen with Josh Duggar and who takes hold of his case.

Counting On: Department Of Justice Prosecutes Josh Duggar’s Case

As per the court’s document, Josh Duggar had possession of more than 250 photos of child abuse. He used the internet to download such images. You will be disgusted to hear that he even had images of children as young as seven years old in his malicious collection. How can a person even look at something like that? Why would a father of six even download such content? There are a bunch of questions that need to be answered. Let’s first take a look at how Joshua Duggar’s case will be handled. His case is prosecuted as a part of Project Safe Childhood, Department of Justice (DOJ).

Counting On

Project Safe Childhood was launched in 2006 which help children combat sexually exploited crimes. Moreover, the Project is implemented through a partnership of US Attorney, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), FBI, US Postal Inspection Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Secret service, US Marshal, and state and local law enforcement. Indeed, in Josh’s case, Homeland Security Investigations Fayetteville and the Northwest Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force are the investigating agencies.

Counting On: What Happens If Josh Is Convicted Of All The Charges

Josh Duggar is guilty in fans’ eyes, even though he claims not to be so. And Josh will get some major punishment if he is proven guilty. Ozark First reported that if Duggar gets convicted of both the charges of receiving and possession of child abuse photographs, he might get a prison sentence of 40 years and a fine of $500,000 according to DOJ.

Even since Josh got arrested, many fans started wondering whether Counting On will be canceled ahead or not. Although TLC made it clear soon after Josh’s arrest that he has not been part of the show. Indeed, it did hint that the show will not be affected by Josh’s life. But, how will that happen when the show entirely focuses on the day-to-day life of Duggars? Is Josh not a Duggar? Although the viewers are standing against the continuation of TLC’s Counting On after this disgusting incident.

It is not the first time that Josh has brought his family into jeopardy. He has done the same several times before. In 2015, TLC canceled the former show as the news of Josh molesting his sisters, and several other girls surfaced. The former reality star also admitted to cheating on his wife, Anna, and his addiction to porn. Then in 2019, Josh was sued for real estate fraud. And, yet another allegation. What more is waiting ahead? What do you think, should the show be canceled or it should continue? Let us know below in the comments.

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