90 Day Fiance: Jesse Reveals Tom Apologised To Him, Also Claims Darcey Played With Both Of Them At The Same Time

90 Day Fiance

It seems like the 90 Day Fiance exes keep on bonding and if this continues, it is likely to become a tradition. Just when we thought that Larissa was the only one whose exes were becoming friendly after breaking up with the same woman, Jesse and Tom are the next set of exes buddying up in line. Let’s take a look at what went down.

90 Day Fiance: Tom Reached Out To Jesse

Jesse recently posted on Instagram that Tom reached out to him. In fact, he apologized and Jesse accepted. They had a shocking conversation and a pleasant one. Jesse revealed that both of them were being played and manipulated at the same time. It wasn’t exactly surprising. But according to him, it does not reduce the pain when you are trying to help and love someone when it is a lie.

Jesse stated that Darcey told Tom how bad he was and she also told him how bad Tom was. As a result, they both thought ill of each other. She kept talking to both of them and Jesse never paid much heed because he didn’t want to offer her any room for pointing fingers.
He also said that while watching and hearing him on TV, he felt bad. Ultimately the truth came out. Darcey lied to both of them and they both know now. They have also learned their lesson. Jesse moved on from this but he wants to give this message to someone who is going through something similar.

90 Day Fiance: Jesse Advices People To Watch Out For Red Flags

Jesse lays out the message and advises those in this situation to watch out for red flags and understand them. Both Tom and Jesse tried and it backfired. Jesse asks people to ask questions and understand red flags before falling deeper into them and losing your rationale.

As for now, they are having coffee and helping each other. According to fans, Darcey is just looking for a ring and is likely to be with another guy in the next season. Some point out that even though Darcey has mental health issues, Jesse keeps showing instability by making posts like these. On the other hand, some are defending Jesse and saying that he must get a lot of DMS from fans asking about Darcey.
Some fans are actually happy about the friendship Tom and Jesse are forming. They like the fact that someone put this out in the open and there was definitely more to this than we saw on TV. How do you think Darcey will react to Jesse and Tom’s buddying up? Let us know in the comments below.

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