90 Day Fiance: Tim Clarkson recently admitted that he cheated on his girlfriend Melyza while they were dating long distance. He is uprooting his life in America to move to Columbia so that he can spend the rest of his life with Melyza. Let’s take a look at the details.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Tim Cheated on Melyza With a Co-Worker
Tim said that when they were dating long-distance, he was lonely. What started as a casual conversation with a co-worker escalated into a full-fledged sexual encounter. After the affair, he told his friends about it and they were shocked.
His friends asked whether leaving his life behind in America is one of the ways to make up for him cheating on his girlfriend. But he said that while he is not necessarily making up this way, it was enough for her to say that she is not leaving her family behind.
Another friend asked Tim whether Melyza trusts him that he will stay committed to her. To that, Tim said that she is going to have her doubts. But it’s going to be a long road to winning her trust back and proving his commitment to her.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Tim Says Melyza is Worth It
According to Tim, Melyza worth uprooting his life in America and moving to a different country. Breaking down, the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way star said that he will do everything to gain her trust back and redeem himself. He wants to deserve her again and is determined to make things work.
They met in Lowa when they were students. He used to work at a bar when he was in college. At the time, there were many other guys who were trying to get Melyza’s attention. However, Tim’s goofy nature won her over.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Tim Calls Distance a Wall
According to Tim, distance is a wall that got between them. Melyza eventually went back to her native country but they dated long-distance. Now, Tim is ready to leave his life behind and spend the rest of his life with the woman he loves. However, Tim’s friends are wondering whether she will ever be able to trust him again.
It’s going to be interesting to watch how Tim redeems himself from his past mistakes. Do you think Melyza will ever fully forgive him for what he did? Will she ever be able to completely trust him again? Most importantly, will she agree to spend the rest of her life with Tim? Sound off your thoughts in the comments below.