90 Day Fiance: The Slam Game Continues! Deavan Claps Back Fans Questioning Her Boyfriend; In Return Fans Slam Her Parenting


It looks like 90 Day Fiance star Deavan Clegg is in a happy relationship with her boyfriend, Topher Park. Every fan certainly knows that. However, Deavan has totally forgotten her old love, Jihoon Lee. She also made her son Taeyang forget his father. And ever since Jihoon Lee’s controversy came up, Deavan was seen quite less on social media. But now, she has returned to be more active on the social platform. Deavan also clapped back the fans who are trying to slam her boyfriend, Topher Park. Let us look into the details below.

90 Day Fiance: Deavan Shuts Down Fans Slam Against Her Boyfriend

Deavan Clegg recently posted her photo showing how her boyfriend pampered her on the occasion of Mother’s Day. She claims to have woken up to the beautiful bunch of roses from Topher and her children. On this auspicious day, the reality star thought to organize Q&A for the fans. Well, this act of kindness seems to have cost her much. As per Soap Opera Spy, one fan bluntly asked, “Does Taeyan ever (if he talks, prob not) but is he aware ur bf isn’t his dad?”. Deavan, who has been open about her love life, wittily answered the fan’s question with proper justification.

The reality star slammed back, saying there is nothing wrong with Topher being step-dad to her son. Deavan then continued to explain how she herself grew up with her step-dad. Moreover, Deavan had a good relationship with her step-dad. The same is the situation with her son and Topher. They both go along really well with each other. The reality star slammed back the fan, saying, “I find this question silly.”

90 Day Fiance: Is Taeyang Forced To See Topher As A Fatherly Figure?

Deavan explained the meaning of being a parent to the fans. She says, “A parent is someone who takes care and loves you.” As per her, parents do not always need to be your biological mother or father. Deavan made it clear to all the fans that Chris (Topher Park) has been involved in Taeyang’s life more than that of his biological father.

Indeed, Taeyang finds him as a fatherly figure. Neither Deavan nor Topher forced Taeyang to believe so. Deavan said, “It came naturally.” The reality star then claimed that Chris is doing everything for her and her children’s happiness. Deavan herself never forced Chris to do so; he did it out of his own choice. Deavan also quoted, “Love is Love. Don’t take that away.”

90 Day Fiance
PC: Reddit

Fans took the matter to the Reddit thread to discuss more of it. There, 90 Day Fiance fans blamed Deavan for not letting Taeyang have a bond with his birth father. A fan said, “There is a huge difference between a biological father walking out and the mother taking the child away from the biological father, Deavan.”

Fans find Deavan’s over-explaining to be the clear sign “to convince herself of the bullsh*t she spews.” Some even think that Taeyang will grow up confused about who his real dad is. Will Taeyang ever be able to see Jihoon Lee? Is Deavan the one who is keeping her son away from the real dad? What do you think? Let us know your answer.

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