Eight weeks ago, 90 Day Fiance couple Alexei and Loren welcomed their first child in this world. On Monday, she took to social media to flaunt her trimmed waistline. She wore a fitted pair of denim and a red tank top. Let’s take a look at this in detail.
90 Day Fiance: Loren Promises Posting Unfiltered Pictures
Loren stated that she is getting back into shape and that her jeans have started to fit, even though barely. The reality TV star also assured fans that she will continue to post pictures of herself without any filters. This is her process of embracing everything that parenthood brings to her.
The 90 Day Fiance alum has been facing some ups and downs. But she seems to be dealing with them like a pro. In a candid Instagram message, she posted about how she is learning to cherish this new experience.
90 Day Fiance: Loren is All Smiles With Her Child
Loren revealed that there is a baby boy in her arms and she is nursing every two hours. But she has never smiled bigger than she is now. She gave birth to her and Alexei’s first child in April. However, unfortunately, she has been dealing with a lot of hate comments online.
But when it came to people making shady remarks about her baby boy, she made it clear that she won’t take it very well. A troll slid into her DMs to tell her that she should have adopted it. The person also tried to make her feel guilty of passing on Tourette syndrome to her child.
She said that when people comment about her, she is able to laugh it off as she is a happy person. However, when it comes to haters targeting her son, she cleared the air about haters messing with the wrong mama here.
90 Day Fiance: Loren and Alexei Handling It All On Their Own
Loren and Alexei have been doing an excellent job parenting the child all on their own. However, that wasn’t the original plan. Loren’s mom was about to move in with her to help handle her situation.
However, now that the restrictions have lifted a little bit, the extended family can be a little more involved in taking care of the newest member of their family. Loren has had a healthy pregnancy throughout. She ate well and kept a healthy and active lifestyle. She ended up gaining only about 28 pounds during her pregnancy.
Her baby turned out fine and she lost a significant amount of weight post-birth within just two weeks. And it’s eight weeks now and she can already fit in her jeans. So, that’s some major postpartum progress.
What do you think of Loren’s lifestyle? Is she an inspiration for millions of women out there fretting over baby weight? Let us know what you think in the comments below.