On a recent episode of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Auelu and Kalani got into a huge fight about their respective roles in the marriage. The July 5th episode featured Asuelu storming off after having an intense argument with Kalani. Let’s take a look.
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Asuelu Upset Over Kalani Refusing To Visit His Home Country
Kalani said in the confessional that Auelu is upset over her refusing to go to his native country with their two kids because of a measles outbreak. Instead, they traveled to California from Utah to celebrate the birthday of their son Oliver during a weekend getaway.
Asuelu said that Oliver has been crying a lot during the car ride and Kalani said that they should switch places. He reluctantly agreed but when Kalani asked how things were, things started to get a little tense. He said that he was doing alright and that it was easy.
To that, Kalani asked whether he thought that her job was easy. Her mother chimed in and asked Asuelu whether he thought all women’s jobs were easy or only Kalani. He replied by saying, ‘Women’s job.’
Kalani and Her Mom Shocked By Asuelu’s Statement
Both the women in the car seemed to be shocked by what Asuelu said. Kalani’s mother asked him whether he thinks the same for the women back in Samoa. In the confessional, Asuelu stated that jobs for women in America were easy because people have facilities such as dryers, dishwashers, etc. to cover most chores while the women while they sat their kids down in front of the Television.
Kalani asked him who has been up at nights to take care of their sick kids when she was also sick. Asuelu said that it was her and added that he also woke up sometimes. To that, Kalani called him a liar and he called her a lying bitch. When she asked why he doesn’t help, he told her that taking care of the household and the kids is a woman’s job. She added that the sound of his voice was super annoying too.
90 Day Fiance: Kalani’s Mother Jumped To Her Defense
Kalani’s mom jumped to her daughter’s defense and dared Asuelu to talk to her like this in front of her husband. She took offense to the way he was talking to her daughter and he said that he can say whatever he wants to his wife.
After their second fight, Asuelu tools his belongings and walked out into the street with Oliver following him. Kalani called out Asuelu but he didn’t turn back. Later, she told her mother that she couldn’t chase him with her child. The production followed him only to capture him taking a bus back to Utah.
For a long time, Kalani had been wishing for her husband to be more helpful with raising their kids. Do you think they can work things out?