Soap Operas like The Young And The Restless have quite a long run on our screen. And to keep the audience entertained, they go through multiple storylines over the years. As viewers, we all have our picks of which storyline, twist, and turn we loved the most or did not! But, it’s not every day that we hear our beloved stars talk about what they love or do not enjoy so much on their own shows.
Recently, The Young and the Restless star Joshua Morrow (Nick) on the show, opened up about the storyline he does not enjoy at all. We were shocked to hear it! He is such a brilliant performer that he has never let his preference show on screen or affect his act at all. We bet you will never be able to guess which storyline it is! Keep reading to find out if you guessed correctly!
The Live Confession!
Shooting daily soaps is not an easy task. The actors work really long hours to produce the best possible content for their viewers. Yet every now and then, they carve out time to interact with their fans one on one through social media. And fans love them for it! Joshua Morrow, along with Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) on Y&R, conducted a live chat session with their fans on Instagram recently.
One fan asked Joshua which storyline involving Nick he hates playing, and Joshua, without losing a breath, shocked us all with his response! “My least favourite story has to be any story that puts me in a fight with my dad constantly,” he sighed. “Like my real life dad, he too is like my best friend. And I feel no son should ever treat his father the way Nick treats his on screen dad at times.”
Did you guess it right? We couldn’t!

Victor fighting with one of his children is such a constant on The Young and the Restless and is always so interesting and entertaining to watch. Although, we do agree with Joshua that kids should not have such volatile relations with their parents in real life. His statement about being best friends with his real-life dad will surely have a positive impact on his fans.
“Now, granted, Victor himself causes most of these problems.” Joshua mused. Let’s just hope Victor doesn’t hear this one, or Nick has another fight coming his way! Nah, we are just joking! We are sure Eric Braeden, who plays Victor on The Young and the Restless, will also agree with Joshua’s sentiments about fostering positive and friendly parent-child relationships. “There is a certain level of respect and family bonds should always remain above fights and disagreements,” Joshua concluded.
The Young And The Restless: We love the Newmans
On a fun note, Michelle Stafford jokingly added, “We wouldn’t have a show if the Newmans stopped fighting with each other!” Well, we can’t argue with that now, can we? We sure do love everything about the Newmans, fights included! But we must assert that these new insights that Joshua gave us about himself have surely raised our love for him as a person and respect for his craft a few notches higher.

Considering the massive number of fights Nick has been with his father Victor on The Young and the Restless and the sheer effortlessness with which Nick pulls it off, we never could have guessed he disliked those storylines so much! Hats Off to your acting chops Joshua; we take a bow! You always have your viewers hooked to the screens!
We love reading your opinions! Do you like watching these fights between the Newmans? Which are your favorite and least favorite storylines from The Young and the Restless so far? The comment section is all yours!