Audra Charles is not a woman to be taken lightly on The Young and The Restless. She is equal parts sexy, conniving, and ambitious. Ever since she stepped into Genoa City, she has had her eyes on various prizes. Audra has been making very calculated moves in order to accomplish her goals. Currently, she has her sights set on Nate Hastings. However, Nate already has his hands full with his girlfriend, Elena, and his hot boss, Victoria Newman. So, it looks like Audra might have to shift gears here. In the recent episodes, she shared a quite telling look with Kyle Abbott! Could she move her target from Nate to Kyle? Keep reading TV Season & Spoilers to find out!
Audra Hits A Snag With Nate
Ever since Audra joined the workforce with Nate Hastings on The Young and The Restless, she has been interested in making some personal inroads with him. However, all her efforts on those fronts so far have gone in vain. She is so committed to win his interest that she is even willing to bring a wildcard like JT Hellstrom to Genoa City. Audra knows JT’s romantic history with Victoria and feels that if JT returns, there would be a chance of a reconciliation between the former lovers.

Of course, Audra isn’t doing this for the goodness of her heart on The Young and The Restless. She always has an ulterior motive in whatever she does. She knows if Victoria reconciles with JT, she will have one less woman to worry about. However, she might be wrong about that. Audra was not present to witness the torture Victoria suffered at JT’s hands. Hence, it is unlikely that she would reconcile with him. Moreover, even if she does, Nate would still have his hands full with Elena. So being the smart woman that Audra is, she is keeping her options open! And, the next man of interest on her list is, Kyle Abbott!
Audra Moves Her Sights To Kyle On The Young and The Restless
In the recent episodes of The Young and The Restless, Audra Charles made one thing very very clear. She never puts all her money on one horse! Audra is a calculative vixen and knows when to change lanes. While she is invested in winning Nate for herself, she is keeping her options open. Audra knows that there are two other women competing for Nate’s attention. Thus, she may soon start making her moves at another man in Genoa City. During the recent Bicentennial Gala, Audra told Kyle that she had been looking forward to getting introduced to him.

Kyle, too, appeared rather pleased on becoming acquainted with Audra Charles on The Young and The Restless. However, their interaction was cut short when Summer entered the scene and gave Audra a heated glare. This may have come across as a scene in passing, but it could actually be a massive hint at an upcoming storm! Summer and Kyle are having trouble in their marriage, and the crack is only going to get deeper in the coming episodes. Phyllis is dead, and Summer is going to blame her mother’s death on Kyle’s mom, Diane. Kyle will certainly defend his mother, and this would lead to a fallout between the couple.
Audra would certainly take advantage of this debacle and sweep in to offer her support to Kyle. This little lending of a shoulder might be all that Audra might need to make a bond with Kyle! And we all know where these things lead on Soap Operas. Straight to bed! So there is a huge chance that Kyle might cheat on Summer with Audra in the upcoming episodes. What is your opinion on Audra and Kyle’s pairing? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to The Young and The Restless to find out what happens next between Summer, Kyle, and Audra.