Sheila Carter is truly a cat with nine lives on The Bold and The Beautiful. She has survived so much in the past, so it really came as no surprise that she survived falling off Bill’s balcony in the recent episodes. However, she did suffer a heart attack in an alley soon after! But it’s safe to assume that Sheila being Sheila, she will survive that too! But what then? With the FBI on her tail, the door of her hospital room would lead straight to a prison cell. But will she really make that walk, or is there a detour that can lead her to freedom? Sheila surely has a lot of experience in being a fugitive, so it’s very likely that she would find a way to escape the hospital and go after her latest enemies!
Sheila Carter, The Master Of Grand Escapes
By now, it is well established that Sheila Carter has the superpower of escaping even under the most impossible of circumstances on The Bold and The Beautiful. She fell off Bill Spencer’s second-floor balcony and didn’t even suffer a bump on her head! She literally dusted off her clothes and ran off to meet Deacon. However, the pizza maker betrayed his lady love and stalled her till Bill and Ridge arrived with Baker and the rest of the FBI. Any novice would’ve just surrendered to their fate and allowed themselves to be arrested. But, This is Sheila we are talking about!

Almost like a magician, she dodged all these armed men and made a run on The Bold and The Beautiful. However, Bill blocked her in the back alley, where Sheila eventually collapsed from a heart attack. Now, Sheila will be spending some time in recovery at the hospital, and it will give her enough time to work on her two biggest missions. First of all, she will be getting to see enough of Finn at the hospital. It’s unlikely that the good doctor would turn his back on an ill patient. But whether or not Sheila will be able to convince (read: manipulate) Finn into taking her back in her life is a different matter. Keep reading TV Season and Spoilers to find out her second mission!
A New Reign Of Terror Begins On The Bold And The Beautiful
Until now, Sheila was singularly focused on reuniting with her son and grandson on The Bold and The Beautiful. However, after suffering the unexpected betrayals, we will get to see the most sinister side of Sheila. Her second and newest mission would be to destroy her three latest enemies! Bill, Ridge and Deacon! So they better start watching their backs because hell hath no fury like a jilted Carter! If Sheila could escape a room full of FBI agents, how hard would it be for her to pull a Houdini in the hospital? Very easy, going by her history!

The question here is not how she will escape, but what she will do once she escapes on The Bold and The Beautiful! One thing is sure, she is coming at Bill, Ridge and Deacon for revenge! And there are plenty of ways she could strike at them. She has pulled off many murders in the past. Poisoning, shooting, arson, and who can forget the bees? Sheila can get just as creative as she is devious! So it will be thrilling to watch what mode of torture she chooses to inflict on her enemies.
There is also a chance that she might choose the less violent road and decide to hit a spot that would have a lasting impact. Perhaps pull a kidnapping act on The Bold and The Beautiful! There are many sitting ducks who would serve as a perfect hostages! For example, Brooke Logan! She is a common link between all three men, and let’s not forget that Sheila hates her! But then Sheila hates everyone! Except, of course, Finn and Hayes! So she might even try to run away with Hayes in tow! That would just devastate everyone! What do you think? Which of the above options looks more plausible? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to The Bold and The Beautiful to see what Sheila does next.