The high-voltage drama never seems to end on The Bold and The Beautiful. There is already so much talk going on about the years-old shooting that conspired between Bill and Taylor. Or might we say allegedly, because there are still many speculations that someone other than Taylor could have fired the bullet. Anyway, that mystery is getting old now. And the direction that the soap is taking, it is starting to look like another bullet is about to be fired! But it won’t be Bill this time! It’s Bill’s boo, Sheila Carter! But who fired the shot? Let’s find out!
Sheila Carter Bites A Bullet
Sheila’s romance with Bill is literally maddening on The Bold and The Beautiful. The She-devil has everyone on edge with her latest tango. Not only did she win her freedom by gaining Bill as an accomplice, but she has also even cut him off from everyone else. What’s worse is, that no one is able to figure out why Bill is choosing to stand by Sheila. Or how she is controlling him. From Steffy to Brooke to Katie, everyone has tried their best to convince Bill to wake up and see what he is doing, but to no avail.

At some point soon, somebody is going to crack on The Bold and The Beautiful. Sheila is a nasty threat to everyone. Moreover, with Bill and his resources in her fist, she is almost invincible. If they fail to get through to Bill, someone may decide that the only way to rid L.A. of Sheila is by taking her down for good. They have already seen how easily Sheila evaded the charges, so there won’t be any point in taking the legal route again. Hence, they may decide that it’s best to treat Sheila the way she has treated many others. Be murderous!
Who Dunnit? On The Bold and The Beautiful
If someone really does put a bullet in the sexy vixen, it will start a whole new mystery on The Bold and The Beautiful. The woman is so hated that it would be a nightmare to make a list of people who’d want her dead! However, we do have some names that could end up being the prime suspects in Sheila’s shooting! For starters, Katie Logan and Sheila have been butting heads a lot off late over Bill. Sheila even threatened Katie. Maybe the otherwise calm Katie might snap and decide she has had enough and pull the trigger on Sheila.

Then, of course, Brooke and Steffy were not too far behind in letting their hatred be known for Sheila on The Bold and The Beautiful. Steffy told Liam that she would take down Sheila Carter. Maybe, she will decide to avenge herself the same way Sheila shot her and left her bleeding on the street. There is also a chance that Finn might do it, plagued by guilt that Sheila is here only to reunite with him. Woah! This list really can go on and on! Do you have any more names that could top the list of suspects? If yes, please mention it in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to CBS over weekdays to see what happens next on The Bold and The Beautiful.