Sheila Carter is so vile, it’s nothing short of a miracle that her son Finn has turned out to be wonderful on The Bold and The Beautiful. He is an accomplished doctor, a loving and supportive husband, and father, apart from being the gentlest soul on the CBS soap. However, fans feel that sometimes his gentleness starts to border meekness. But hey, don’t let his soft demeanor fool you. The man can raise hell if pushed too far. And it seems like he is quickly reaching his breaking point! So are we about to see Finn in a hot-blooded mode?
Finn Has Stayed Quiet For Far Too Long And Is Beginning To Crack
Fans have forever complained that Finn and Steffy tend to get boring as far is their relationship is concerned on The Bold and The Beautiful. The major brunt of it gets thrusted on Finn appearing too docile. But the kind doctor should not be taken too lightly. He has proved that he can step up if need be. Finn has never shied away from taking a stand against his mother, Sheila, especially when it comes to defending Steffy. He won’t stop at anything when it comes to protecting his family.

Recently, when Thomas barged into The Cliff House on The Bold and The Beautiful, Finn tore him a new one. When Steffy stopped Thomas from meeting Douglas, he verbally attacked his sister. It did not take long for Finn to intervene. Despite Thomas telling him that it’s between him and his sister, Finn stood his ground. He made it clear to Thomas that he can’t enter his house and misbehave with his wife. Is Finn done with his good boy days? Is his dark side starting to take over?
Finn Turns Fifty Shades Darker On The Bold And The Beautiful
All Finn wanted was a calm quiet life with Steffy and their kids on The Bold and The Beautiful. But when has anyone ever gotten that wish on a daily soap? Nope, never! Hence, he is having to tackle problem after problem, especially on the family front. First it was his evil bio mom, Sheila trying to kill his wife. Then just as they thought Sheila was gone forever in the bear attack, the evil mommy returned. And now Finn again faces the same threat. But with the added flavor of Bill Spencer!

On the other hand, Thomas is not making his life any easier on The Bold and The Beautiful. Thomas has majorly pissed off Finn by the veiled threat he just threw at them over Douglas’ visitation. There was so much fury in Finn’s eyes that it seems he will go into full-blown Hulk mode as he has had enough with the threats. We already saw a sneak peek of it in his confrontation with Thomas. And honestly, we are thrilled to see this side of him. Are you looking forward to it too? Stay tuned to The Bold and The Beautiful to see what Finn does next!