Douglas is just a little boy on The Bold and The Beautiful. But he showed high moral ground, unlike his father, in the whole CPS call drama. As soon as he realized Thomas was framing Brooke for the call, he came clean about it, despite Thomas telling him not to. However, Douglas is just a kid, and everything he has witnessed at such a tender age must’ve certainly taken a toll. The latest episode of The Bold and The Beautiful hinted at Douglas struggling with something internally. Liam could sense something is up, but didn’t know exactly what it is. However, The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers hint that Liam might be in for some trouble at Douglas’s hands!
Douglas Distancing Himself From Liam?
Thomas Forrester is Douglas’s biological father on The Bold and The Beautiful. But Liam has been twice the father to Douglas than Thomas can ever imagine being. Things were all hunky dory between Liam and Douglas until the little boy spent some time with Thomas at the Forrester Mansion. Those few weeks with his bio dad made him feel connected to Thomas. However, it all came crashing down when Thomas’s ploy was exposed. Hope realizes that Thomas can never change and will always be a bad influence on Douglas. She and Liam took Douglas back to their home.

While everyone sees Thomas for who is really is on The Bold and The Beautiful, the same can’t be expected from a child as young as Douglas. He probably doesn’t even realize how deceptive and dangerous his father really is. For all he understands, Thomas made a small mistake, and Liam snatched him away from his father. The little boy perhaps still longs to be with his bio dad and is holding Liam responsible for taking that away. In the recent episode of The Bold and The Beautiful, when Liam arrived to take Douglas back from his play date with Kelly, Douglas didn’t want to go. Liam thought Douglas wanted to play some more with Kelly, but the little boy’s face was telling a different story. It felt as if he didn’t want to go with Liam!
Douglas Wants Hope And Thomas Together On The Bold And The Beautiful?
Douglas felt really at home at the Forrester Mansion on The Bold and The Beautiful. He may have started to feel that his family home is where he belongs. And not at Liam’s. His connection with Liam has altered after the time he spent with Thomas. He was so happy playing house with Hope and Thomas! It was as if he got his perfect family, his real family where Thomas and Hope were together. They looked so content together that even Liam was uncomfortable with their bond, so we can’t blame Douglas for wanting it!

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers tease that Thomas will soon be back on board with Forrester Creations. Hope’s new collection for her jewelry line was really not up to the mark, she knows she needs Thomas as the head designer to turn things around. Thus, it’s only a matter of time till Hope and Thomas start spending time with each other again. Even if it’s strictly professional, Douglas wouldn’t understand the difference! To him, it will just be mommy and daddy reconnecting again! This may cause him to again want what he almost got last time! His perfect family with Thomas and Hope, minus Liam!
Uh-Oh! This sounds like trouble for Liam! Will he be able to win back Douglas’s love? Moreover, will he be able to save his family with Douglas and Hope? Stay tuned to CBS over weekdays to find out what happens next on The Bold and The Beautiful.