The Bachelor, for the first time aired on ABC in 2002. This show came up with a unique concept of documenting American dating and relationships on television in the form of a reality show. Chris Harrison remained the host for the franchise for over 25 seasons consistently. Since this show gained a lot of popularity, it has given rise to many spinoffs of the original franchise. Recently, the trailer of the much-awaited The Bachelor Season 27 was released, creating a lot of craze and excitement among the fans. The 26-year-old Zach Shallcross will be the show’s main lead this season. The trailer gave the fans glimpses of the drama the new episodes will hold. Continue to read to know more about it.
The Bachelor: Season 27 Has An Immense Burst Of Emotions, As Seen In The Trailer
The premiere episode of The Bachelor Season 27 is set to air on Monday, January 23 this year. Apparently, the new season is coming out a little later than the rest of the seasons, comparatively. This decision was of producers because they didn’t want to risk their TRP ratings and compete with the 2022 FIFA World Cup views that recently came to an end. Even though it is going to air late, viewers will still see immense drama in its 12 episodes. The host Jesse Palmer, claims this season is going to be full of drama, and people will love to watch it. This time, Zach Shallcross will be the main lead, and several girls will go crazy for him. Although he had a history with the show, the female contestant believe he is perfect for them.
The new leading man Zach was seen crying in one scene in The Bachelor Season 27 trailer. Thus, it implies that there will definitely be intense moments in this season. One of the contestants, wishing to be Zach’s princess, confessed, “If I don’t get a rose, I’m going to burn this house down”. She said this in a very threatening manner. The competition for getting Zach’s attention is going to be very interesting to see. All the ladies will go crazy in a typical Bachelor’s manner, as documented in the previous seasons. In one instance of the trailer, a group date scene came up. The special guest, Latto, announced more girls joining the group date. Then, the former Bachelor Nation star, Victor Fuller, also made an appearance. Now fans can’t wait for more.
The Bachelor: Here’s All You Need To Know About Zach Shallcross
The Bachelor fans were filled with zeal and excitement when it was revealed that 26-year-old Zach Shallcross would be the main lead of the upcoming 27th season of the hit franchise. He was one of the top three of Gabby and Rachel’s season of The Bachelorette. He desperately fought for Rachel Recchia’s love and competed with other contestants. However, after their fantasy suite date, he ended up withdrawing from the competition. Well, Zach thought about his future with Rachel and could not feel they were meant to be. Thus, he said that Rachel was different without the cameras, leading him to question her emotions.
Zach, the lead of The Bachelor, gained a lot of admirers within the Bachelor Nation for his self-elimination. Thankfully, viewers will be able to follow the endearing Californian’s man search for a wife now. However, the show’s ladies have already gone crazy for his personality. Some of them even confessed their feelings in a note on the show. Also, one of them even called him a “snack”, while the other believed he would make a good husband. The rest of the viewers are excited to know more about him and what kind of girl he shall choose to make his wife. For more updates on The Bachelor Season 27, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers.