Teen Mom: Nathan Griffith Isn’t Serious For Treatment Program — Judge Furious!


Nathan Griffith had quite an adventure with the law. The former Teen Mom star had tried to strangle his sister. So he had a bit of a legal trouble. The good news was that Nathan could avoid prison. 

All he had to do was stay in a veterans treatment home and follow some guidelines. But he could not even do that much. So Tyler was sent to the custody. It seems even the Judge is done with the star’s nonchalant attitude. He is furious about Nathan’s non-seriousness towards the program.

Teen Mom: Judge Rains Anger On Nathan For Lack Of Seriousness

There were only a few rules that Nathan had to follow at the Veteran’s Treatment Centre. One of those was the prohibited use of drugs and alcohol. It turns out that Nathan had broken one of these rules, due to which he was in custody. He was under arrest without bail. While many fans were angry at the star, it looks like even his Judge is now angry. 

Nathan, or rather his lawyer, had another court hearing recently. The former wasn’t in court then, but his lawyer was. Nathan had a second chance at the Veterans Treatment Centre. But he broke the rules and blew it. Even the Judge had had enough of the Teen Mom star. According to TheAshleyRealityRoundUp, he rained his anger towards Nathan on the MTV star’s lawyer.

Teen Mom

The Judge told Nathan’s lawyer that his client was out of “second chances.” He was angry at the star for not doing it. The minutes of Nathan’s treatment program meeting revealed that he wasn’t taking the program seriously. Nathan’s lack of seriousness angered the Judge, who “admonished” the star at court. He also warned the Teen Mom star that this would be his last chance, so he should follow the rules. 

According to the Judge, Nathan needs to “make (the) treatment a priority.” It will also be his “last chance to comply.” We hope that Nathan follows these rules. His next hearing is on May 21. The MTV star’s Veterans’ Court Program participation and progress will also be part of the discussion. So we hope Nathan takes the Judge’s warnings seriously.

Teen Mom: Nathan Is Now Out!

Nathan had been in police custody without bail. But there is some new development in his case. It seems like there is some good news for the MTV star. He is finally out from behind the bars!


According to VINE, the Clark County Detention Centre released the Teen Mom star on April 18, 2024. It was a “general release.” The reports also said the release was in “custody detail.” Nathan had been in prison because he wasn’t at his bi-monthly status check-ins. 

The star’s next hearing is on May 7. According to the court website, Nathan is ” participating in the program.” So, we will have to wait and see what the result of the hearing will be. In the meantime, you can read more Teen Mom news on TV Season & Spoilers.

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