The Teen Mom series has shown numerous extraordinary lives of various Teen Moms. It beautifully showcases how these moms struggled with life and coped up with the worst situations. Among all the wonderful moms, Alexandria Sekella, though no more on screens, has won many hearts with her previous appearances.
She debuted with MTV’s 16 & Pregnant almost a decade back. She became the mother of her baby girl Arabella with her ex-boyfriend Matt McCann. Unfortunately, the relationship did not survive. But life gave a new version of happiness to Alex when she met her husband, Tim Peters.
Now the Teen Mom star is spreading good news again. What is it? Has she given any details? Let’s check out!
Teen Mom: Alexandria Sekella Shares Picture Showing Her Baby Bump
On Saturday, Alexandria went on to her Instagram to share a loving picture with her husband Tim Peters. The two were seen attending a friend’s wedding at Stokesay Castle and The Knight’s Pub in Pennsylvania.
Former Teen Mom star is seen smiling and flaunting her baby bump. She has officially not given any information regarding her pregnancy. Yet, it is clearly visible that the star is expecting to welcome a new one in the family soon. She also captioned the picture saying, “My forever wedding date.”
She shares two pictures with Tim wearing a beautiful golden dress. The two seem to be joyous and content. Tim and Alex dated for five years before they got married. As Starcasm reported, this will be Alex’s first child with Tim. Unfortunately, there are no updates as for now if the baby will be a girl or a boy. Yet, fans are excited to know if it will be a pink or blue room!
Fans Congratulate Alex For Her Baby
After the pictures went viral, fans are in deep awe and love towards Alex. They have shown a tremendous amount of love and heartfelt good wishes for the family. Lately, Teen Mom Star has firmly decided that she would not be a part of any other Teen Mom Season. She thinks this is the wisest decision that she has ever taken as this will help her to keep her personal life confined to herself.
Congratulating Alex, a fan wrote, “Oh, this makes me so happy! You have so many on your team!! Congratulations!!” Another mentioned, “Congratulations, sweetheart!!!!!!! You are such an amazing woman!” So many such good wishes filled Alex’s Instagram post. A fan even said, “Congratulations! I’ve been following you since I first saw you on 16 & Pregnant.”
There were numerous heart-touching messages that the Teen Mom star received, even though she is no longer seen connecting with viewers on screen. This shows the amount of fame Alex gathered and the space she has created in the hearts of her fans. Do you again wish to see Alexandria on screens? Let us know in the comment section.