The latest episode of Seeking Sister Wife has some weird connection forming around. Polygamist Sidian and Tosha are looking for potential partners for a polygamous arrangement. And they might have even found that person. But how will the new lady respond to their request of a plural marriage? Let’s find out.
Seeking Sister Wife contestants Sidian and Tosha are looking for new members for their family. New wives for Sidian, to be precise. So, the couple happens to bump into a young bartender, Faith, in a club, and instantly, they seem to like her. The two decide to put forth their ideas in front of Faith. She agreeing or rejecting their proposal is a different story altogether.
Seeking Sister Wife: Sidian And Tosha Confront Faith
After finally deciding to ask her out, Sidian and Tosha introduced themselves to Faith. They tell her right away that they’re polygamists. To this, the bartender’s jaw dropped. She seemed quite surprised by the revelation of this couple. But she also liked the ways the couple was open about their marriage. She said that she loved how open they were about the polygamy thing. Then Sidian and Tosha talked to her about their lifestyle. When asked about her opinions about polygamy, Faith said that if it works for some people, that’s really awesome.
Seeking Sister Wife Tosha Finally Asks Faith To Be Her Sister Wife
After making the room cozy with casual talks, the couple finally threw the bomb at Faith. They asked her if she is willing to join the couple’s family in a plural arrangement. To this, Faith stopped for a few moments. And then she said, “That sounds fine.” Her answer brought immediate relief to the couple’s faces. Faith’s decision made Sidian and Tosha incredibly happy. Later, she also shared her number with the couple.
Post this, the producer asked Faith about what she feels about Sidian and Tosha. She mentioned that she likes how open they are about life and willing to share. The girl even said that polygamy is not necessarily for everybody. She always tries to keep an open mind about everything anyway, so it was kind of fun to be open with the idea of plural marriage.
Sidian Says He Used To Be Anxious Being A Polygamist
The couple Sidian and Toshi have come a long way from being shy of their marital choices to now being in the public eye through a reality TV show. Sidian confessed his feelings about polygamy to the cameras. He said that alternative relationships now have really come a long way in the public eye. But at the same time he still gets a little nervous when he has to drop the bomb about being a polygamist.
But now the experiences have taught him to live life on his own terms now. After getting support from his wife, he doesn’t care what other people think about his marriage. He says that now he has learned to have fun with it. He doesn’t get anxious about being a polygamist anymore.
What do you think about Faith’s arrival in Sidian and Tosha’s family? Share your thoughts in the comment section.