Seeking Sister Wife: Fans Take Offense As The Merrifields Don’t Treat Nathalia Well!

Seeking Sister Wife


The Merrifields, i.e., Dannielle and Garrick, came to Seeking Sister Wife as a couple, trying to add more wives into their family. Well, their last two attempts with Roberta and Lea failed. But now they are back again in another season, trying out their luck with another woman, Nathalia.

At this point, fans are certain that they don’t find Merrifields amusing. In fact, many believe Garrick is manipulating Dannielle to go through with polygamy when she’d rather not do something of that sort. Amidst all this, the family is facing yet another allegation! What is it that they did now?

Seeking Sister Wife: Fans Demand Merrifields To Show Nathalia Some Respect!

It’s been a wild ride for Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield, full of many lows and a few ups. When they were courting Roberta to join their polygamist lifestyle, she backed off at the last minute. It was an intense moment for them as the former had a breakdown over it. Now, in Season 5 of Seeking Sister Wife, they are trying to make it work with Nathalia from Brazil.

A lot of things went on in the last episode. For instance, Dannielle and Garrick found out they were pregnant for the third time. They came to know right before his wedding to Nathalia in Brazil. So, his first wife flew there for the same. Many fans have been upset with how Garrick and Danniele have been talking to their future sister wife.

Many of them took to Reddit to reveal Nathalia’s english was very good. But instead of talking to her in full sentences, the Merrifields were using a few words and fragments. They found it very disrespectful. They also didn’t like how the couple was trying to overexplain things to the Brazilian native. Viewers demanded the family to change their ways and to show her some respect.

Seeking Sister Wife: Did Nathalia Leave The Merrifields?

While Garrick looked very excited to tie the knot again, Dannielle had insecurity written all over her face. The latter has made it known that she feels a disconnect when it comes to forming a sisterly bond with Nathalia. Seeking Sister Wife fans have seen these differences in the show. Many feel that just like Lea and Roberta, Nathalia may have left the Merrifields at the last minute, too.

As Garrick wishes to marry Nathalia, he wants her to be in America with him and Dannielle. Her social media says otherwise. The former made a post about how she completed her law degree in Brazil. It implied that she would practice it in her native country. Moreover, she doesn’t even follow the Merrifields on social media anymore. All these hints implied that she, too, may have broken up with Dannielle and Garrick.

Or it could be a way of the stars keeping things under wraps so fans watch the rest of the season to know what happened next in their storyline. Keep an eye on TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest Seeking Sister Wife updates.

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