Marriages are made in heaven, but to put it simply, not all marriages. The RHOBH OG, Kyle Richards, has a super hot and dashing husband that women desire. Mauricio was the “best-kept secret” of Richards until he joined Real Housewives. Since then, ladies have a thing for Unmasky, and Kyle knows it much deeper. Hence, under that heat, the husband says his wife is a “super jealous woman.” Well, what happened? Tune in to find out.
RHOBH: Mauricio Unmasky Calls Kyle A Jealous Woman
Kyle Richards and Mauricio Unmasky have been under a spell for 25 years. It’s a long time, and it isn’t easy to maintain such long-lasting relationships. Similarly, many RHOBH fans asked the secret of their marriage, and Richards responded that there is never a moment the couple is on the same page. Well, opposite polls attract. Kyle also claims that she and her husband are together till eternity. However, though the Bravo star claims she and her husband have a love for each other, that doesn’t mean it’s all cupcakes.
Kyle’s marriage has its downfall and her husband Mauricio explains that. Well, Andy Cohen stirred the pot by showing a clip of Mauricio from a casting tape ten years ago. Unmasky revealed in the tape that his wife has a super jealous side. The husband said, “she’s very jealous, she gets crazy.” However, Richards did not appreciate the action by Cohen of publicly demeaning her. The RHOBH star found it embarrassing and couldn’t believe that Andy would do such a thing. Meanwhile, Cohen reported why does Kyle care.

Amid that, the Real Housewives fans did not like Andy’s act, and they commented how uncomfortable Kyle was. More so, looking at Richard’s reaction, the audience also finds it disturbing. Apart from that, a fan noted that Kyle should remember such things will happen as she has sold her soul to Bravo. Hence, her dignity is already gone. Well, Richards’ jealous factor stems from the root as many people have alleged that Mauricio has cheated on Kyle.
RHOBH: Kyle Richards Blocks & Deletes Any Woman Who Hits On Her Husband!
There have been times when the Real Housewives celeb has mentioned her jealousy on various podcasts. Once, in a podcast with “This Is Paris,” Richards stated she got into a heated fight with a woman because she was flirting with Unmasky. Kyle told the woman, “Get off my husband.” But, when the guest woman didn’t listen, Richards then shouted that if wanted a Manolo in her eyeball. Richards claimed that she had flames coming out of her nostrils. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star then escorted the woman out.
Similarly, on April 22, on the “On Display” podcast, Kyle told the host, Mellisa, that having such a handsome husband wasn’t easy. Richards noted that her “best-kept” secret was out, and now women keep DMing him. Meanwhile, a woman was trying to hit her man, and Richards told her, “I will f***ing kill you; I will literally cut you.” The RHOBH star says that now she blocks and deletes any woman who tries to hit on her man. Well, were you aware of Kyle’s jealous side? Stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers.