OutDaughtered: Danielle Busby Is Emotionally & Physically Tired Over Managing A Big Family!


Catering to the needs of a growing kid is not easy these days, and imagine multiplying these roles and responsibilities six times for the OutDaughtered stars Adam and Danielle. They are parents of six adorable girls, their eldest being a twelve-year-old, Blayke, and their eight-year-old quints, Ava, Olivia, Parker, Riley, and Hazel. The Busby couple is destined to come across more difficulties and exhaustion. Recently, they shared some of the struggles they encountered as a family of eight with six daughters. Read further for your scoop!

OutDaughtered: Danielle Feels Their Life Can Be Overwhelming!

Life as parents, especially to six girls, can certainly be both awe-inspiring and exhausting. Thus, during a video interview with Dailymail, Danielle talked about how they “still feel overwhelmed.” She shared that sometimes she and her husband look around to realize that they have six kids. Then, she admitted that although life could be overwhelming, they still have to continue fulfilling their role. Danielle then exclaimed that people can be outnumbered, but they are OutDaughtered.


Having a big family is not just emotionally and physically consuming but it is equally expensive. Thus, talking about their family expenses, Danielle shared that they generally spend anywhere from $800 to $1,000 per week on grocery shopping and expenses related to the sports and lunch of their daughters. The mom of six soon accepted that it was expensive.

Adam and Danielle were then asked about their laundry day, to which he joked that they have a never-ending list of chores. Then, his wife oozed her sarcasm by stating that they have laundry day every day. She added “It’s 10 minutes to the hour, every hour.” All the OutDaughtered mom intended to reveal is that a lot of their time, effort, and money goes into laundry loads as a huge family of eight.

Busbys Have Taken OutDaughtered Fans On A Family Ride For Almost Eight Years!

Busbys have been keeping OutDaughtered fans hooked with their family fun and drama since it debuted in 2016. The show centers around the adventures and chaos of Busby girls. OutDaughtered fans felt heartbroken when Bubsys went on a hiatus after Season 8. But they were thrilled after the network announced the show’s return. Surprisingly, Adam and Danielle’s daughters were also involved in their decision to return to the small screens. He shared that their girls missed the cameras, for they soon realized that in order to see themselves on the TV, they needed to be filmed.


Additionally, the couple has come across various mean comments throughout their journey. To this, Adam shared that he prioritizes figuring out if it is someone spreading hate just because he is unhappy, then blocking or deleting their comment. Otherwise, he prefers maintaining distance from someone trying to steal their happiness. He also revealed that if someone accuses his family, he prefers standing up and defending his loved ones. What do you think of Adam’s way of dealing with the harsh responses they receive? Do you accept that it is natural to feel overwhelmed raising a big family? Sound off in the comments. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for the latest OutDaughtered tea!

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