‘My 600 Lb Life’ Production Crew Breaks A Big Rule!


Making reality TV shows is a complicated process. There are a lot of dos and don’ts for the procedure. Networks often need to ensure that the cast and crew follow all the rules to ensure everyone’s safety. That wasn’t the case with My 600 Lb Life.

However, there can occasionally be instances where people break the rules. One big rule of reality shows is to let things play out. But the production crew broke the rule in the recent episode. Read the article to know why they did it and what happened.

My 600 Lb Life: Did The Production Crew Just Intervene?!

Many reality shows focus on the life journey of their participants and how they achieve their goals. One such show is TLC’s My 600 Lb Life. Here, participants come to lose weight and get fitter with the help of Dr. Now. Every episode has a new participant.

There is one rule for the production crew that is set in stone: “Never intervene.” The crew can never stop a fight or give solutions to participants. But a situation in a new episode forced the crew to break the cardinal rule. It was a dangerous situation, and the crew had to step in to take control.

A new participant, Delena, had decided to visit Dr. Now in Houston for an impromptu visit. The teaser for the Wednesday, March 20 episode showed Delena going on the trip after running a simple errand. It was a long trip, and it soon became a dangerous endeavor. Delena had taken a road trip for the first time in a long while.

However, 50 miles into the trip, the My 600 Lb Life star’s car broke down. She was “stuck in the middle” of the road as cars drove by her on the busy highway. The situation was dangerous as Delena could not move out of her minivan. She has limited mobility, so the crew had to break “their own rule of never intervening.” They stepped in to push her to safety. James was driving the car. He revealed that it just “stopped” even though there was no overheating.

My 600 Lb Life: Delena’s Road Trip Turns Dangerous

Delena is the new contestant on My 600 Lb Life. She was excited to go on a road trip to Houston to visit Dr. Now. Delena was also nervous as this was her first road trip “in a long while.” But she was more excited to meet Dr. Now.

My 600 Lb Life

The star would take an almost “seven-hour drive” to Houston. It was a “daunting” task for her, but she looked forward to it. Delena was also sure her vehicle would have no issues on the road trip. But this might not be true.

Fans saw in the teaser that Delena’s car broke down on the highway. The crew had to step in to get Delena to safety, as it was a dangerous situation. She had limited mobility, so the crew had to help her. Stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers to learn more such My 600 Lb Life stories.

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