My 600 Lb Life has been a great show about the journeys of the people who struggle with weight. It documents the ills and goods, the before and after of those whose weight defines them. The show has set an example that nothing is impossible and sometimes, having extra weight could mean a series of health diseases. Hence, the show showered attention on those who might need inspiration and a helping hand. However, sometimes life gets unfair. So, tune in with us to know which cast members took the door to My 600 Lb Life Deaths.
1. Henry Foots (2013, 6th May)
The Texas native became fan-favorite when he joined the show. His story of weight gain started in childhood. Henry loved to eat. However, his mother never stopped him from overeating. Therefore, growing up, Henry Foots got overweight. His body mass reached 750 Lbs. But with a strict diet, exercise, and gastric bypass surgery, he achieved his goal and weighed 275 lbs. However, Henry joined the tragic list of My 600 Life Deaths as he passed away during skin removal surgery. But the exact reason for Foot’s death is not related to the surgery, which is unknown.

2. Robert Buchel (15 November 2017)
Keen viewers of the show must remember Robert Buchel. The late star joined the show to lose enough before his wedding to his fiance Kathryn Lemanski. The former reality star did great as he lost 124 lbs after the doctors removed his lymphedema after the surgery. Similarly, the doctors also removed excess fat from his body. He lost 340 lbs in the process. But, Robert got addicted to painkillers. And that led him to no exercise. He died of a heart attack.

3. James Bonner ( 2 August 2018)
Death is inevitable but taking one’s life is not. James Bonner had the most shocking My 600 Lb Life Deaths. The reality star had a fractured relationship with food after losing his leg in an accident. Therefore, food and alcohol weighed 612 lbs. However, James did great on the show. He weighed 316 lbs before his death. Well, he did die tragically. He thanked everyone who stood by him and supported him during the journey. Shockingly, Bonner committed suicide the following week. He died of a self-inflicted wound shot.

4. Lisa Fleming (23 August 2018)
Lisa’s life-turning events made her look for comfort in food. Fleming witnessed her brother’s murder and her parents’ divorce. Hence, when she joined, she weighed 700 lbs. More so, she could not take care of herself, and maggots grew into folds of her skin. Unfortunately, Lisa lost her life at 50 due to a fatal heart attack.

5. Kelly Mason (15 February 2019)
Kelly Mason struggled with a lot of things except weight gain. She had diabetes, blood clot, high blood pressure, a thyroid problem, and a pulmonary embolism. Hence, life was hard for Kelly. She made the room a happy place with her jokes. But before her forty-second birthday, Mason died of heart failure.

6. Sean Miliken (17 Februrary 2019)
Next on the list of My 600 Lb Life Deaths is Sean Miliken, who appeared in Season 4 of My 600 L Life. The TLC celeb had a strained relationship with his father. Similarly, his parents divorced, and it led him to eat stressed. During the show, he gained 900 Lbs. More so, his mother encouraged him to eat unhealthy foods. After that, his mother’s death happened, and soon flood destroyed his belongings. Miliken once weighed 1003 lbs on the show. But an infection led to a cardiac arrest, and he painfully lost his life.

7. James King ( 3 April 2020)
James ate food due to frustration, and his family matters tend to add up in his life. His weight started fluctuating greatly. Similarly, James did not cooperate with the doctor. Hence, the show dismissed him. When James King appeared for the second time, he weighed 840 lbs. He had health issues such as sepsis, anemia, kidney failure, lung infections, etc. James King died at the age of 49.

8. Coliesa McMillian (22 September 2020)
Coliesa McMillian turned to stress eating to escape from reality. Her fiance died in a car crash, and she couldn’t hold the news. Moreover, she gained weight, and the doctors could not operate on her. Coliesa did get the surgeries, but one surgery led to a severe complication, and she died. The reason for Coliesa McMillian’s is unknown and she is sadly one of the My 600 Lb Life Deaths.

9. Renee Biran (14 May 2021)
Biran was one of the most famous television personalities ever. The former star became a fetish model as people paid her to watch her eat. However, her fame was short-lived when the doctors revealed she had Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The cause of Renee Biran’s death is unknown, but people say it’s because of the Guillain Syndrome.

10. Gina Krasley ( 1 August 2021)
Gina joined the show in Season 8 with her wife, Beth. As a child, Gina did not receive proper love and attention. Hence, she turned to food for comfort. However, the 31-year-old, Gina Krasley died surrounded by her family. She had filed a lawsuit against the show’s producers right before she left the world.

11. Destinee LaShae (February 2022)
Destinee was the first transgender person on the show. She struggled with depression and didn’t see herself alive. She did well in her weight loss journey. Unfortunately, she passed away way too soon and her death is one of the most tragic My 600 Lb Life Deaths. LaShae struggled with the TLC as she filed a million-dollar lawsuit against them for making her shave her beard.

Hence, this was the list of people that tragically lost their lives after their appearance on TLC’s My 600 Lb Life. Tragically, they left the world too soon. TVSS will keep them in our hearts and prayers.