Mama June Takes Eldridge Toney’s Support To Testify In Custody War!


Mama June wants to win Kaitlyn’s custody by hook or by crook. She is battling with Michael Cardwell in court, and the case is on its final verdict. Hence, the celeb is leaving no stone unturned to make things fall in her favor. Amid all this, fans learned that Shannon has made a new move in court.

She is now planning to bring Eldridge Toney to court to testify about the custody war. But that’s not all. There are many new changes taking place in the case, which will end up turning the tables. What is this all about? Will Shannon win the case by bringing Eldridge Toney to the court?

Mama June Plans To Bring Eldridge Toney To The Court Amid Custody Battle

Mama June decided to take temporary custody of Kaitlyn after Anna Cardwell passed away. She wanted to raise her granddaughter and relive her daughter’s childhood. However, Michael Cardwell has Kylee’s custody, and he believes that both sisters should live under the same roof. Hence, he is doing everything under the sun to win the case.


As the final verdict date approaches, Mama June is making new moves to win the battle. Fans were in shock when they learned that she was planning to bring Eldridge Toney to the court. Apparently, the latter was married to Anna during her last days and acted as a fatherly figure to Kyle and Kaitlyn for many years.

Shannon made it clear that Toney needs to “appear at the Superior Court” this month and testify on her behalf. InTouch recently confirmed that Anna’s widower would stand up on Shannon’s behalf to testify in front of the court. Cardwell wanted her husband to take custody of her daughters. But as per the current scenario, he is supporting June in winning the case.

Michael Cardwell Plans To Bring Sugar Bear To Expose Mama June?

Michael Cardwell exposed Mama June’s chaotic past in court. He revealed how the latter never had a stable relationship with Anna. The celeb stated that there were instances when Anna didn’t even talk to her mother for years, which is why Shannon hardly has a bond with Kaitlyn. After claiming all this, Michael now plans to back up his claims with a source none other than Sugar Bear!


YES! Michael is now taking the help of Sugar Bear to expose Shannon in court. He believes that Sugar Bear can testify to “long periods of estrangement” that Anna and June had in the past. Apparently, when Cardwell used to have issues with her mother, she lived with Sugar Bear. Hence, he can easily throw some light on the reasons why Shannon shouldn’t get Kaitlyn’s custody.

Michael further plans to bring a counselor and his fiance as well. Apparently, the latter had been present in Kaitlyn and Kylee’s lives during Anna’s life. He can confirm the way Michael has spent on the kids and could testify on his behalf. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest Mama June tea.

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