Mama June Shannon Stuns Fans With Nearly 100 Lb Weight Loss In Latest IG Video!

Mama June Shannon


Mama June Shannon has just lost 100 Lbs in her weight loss journey. Her incredible transformation shocked her social media followers as she posted an impressive clip. When she met her husband, Justin Stroud, they wanted to change their ways together. While she tried to lose weight, he wished to get some teeth.

Justin got a brand-new set of chompers, but June didn’t have good news. She discussed with her doctor to receive weight loss surgery, but they explained she wasn’t meant for a quick fix. Although she had surgery and cosmetic procedures for a slim figure a decade ago, the pandemic and drug use put back her pounds. How does June look now? How did she lose weight? What fans are saying about the change?

Mama June: Fans Questioned Shannon & Justin’s NYC Vacation Pictures!

Mama June fans were worried about Shannon and Justin Stroud after the former posted pictures from their New York City trip. They believed the couple had lied about their sobriety as they appeared quite unhealthy in the latest Instagram clip. While June had a blotchy face and chapped lips, her husband displayed erratic behavior.

June has no doubt been showing interest in shedding some pounds and improving her overall well-being. But fans asked her if she was on weight loss drugs to lose weight rapidly. Previously, in September 2024, she updated that she had dropped 65 pounds, which seemed untruthful for fans. For fans, she looked way more thin in the pictures than what she claimed to be.

Mama June: Shannon’s Healthy Lifestyle Leaves Fans In Awe! 

Mama June Shannon recently gave fans a mind-blowing update about her improved health. When she first tried weight loss drugs, they didn’t work well for her, so she chose another path. In a clip on Instagram, she revealed that she is currently down to 90 pounds. 

However, June said she won’t stop now since she has a goal of shedding 25 pounds more, which appears to be the biggest challenge. The final stretch is always the toughest, but she has come a long way. Her latest video was a grocery haul, telling her followers what helped her stay on track. 

Shannon mentioned that she has been hitting the gym and maintaining a productive lifestyle. Seeing Alana’s mom in a good spirit, fans showed nothing but love towards her. Many Mama June fans know how difficult it was for her to lose weight, as she had a quick-fix obsession. 

However, June’s recent milestone has made them proud of her and how far she has come in her journey. “That’s awesome!!! Keep it up,” a fan wrote on her post. Many fans congratulated her for taking control of her health after Anna’s tragic death. It is clear that she has worked really hard this time to burn off excess fat. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest reality TV updates.

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