Little People Big World is the longest-running show on TLC. After showcasing a warm and wholesome family bond for 16 years, Matt and Zach Roloff got into a feud. Apparently, it is becoming the last part of LPBW Season 23. Now, it is quite evident to the fans that people around the father-son duo are also getting affected due to their differences. Additonally, this includes Zach and Tori’s kids Jackson and Lilah. In fact, it was quite evident through the new episode. Well, keep reading to know what went down between the Roloffs!
LPBW: Jackson Is Grumpy After Seeing Matt! Upset With Him Just Like His Dad, Zach?
The latest Little People Big World episode was quite interesting. That’s because grandpa Matt Roloff got to make the trip to Washington to see his son Zach’s new house. The LPBW fanbase must already know that they are in a feud, and things are tense between the two. Despite this, the LPBW star came over to Battleground to attempt to fix things, perhaps. While his son was the one who did the most talking, his wife, Tori Roloff, kept the conversation bare minimum. At last, their son Jackson Roloff also got to see his grandpa. However, he was awfully quiet around him and kept looking down.
Well, Matt Roloff tried to defend this by stating little Jackson had gotten up from a nap and felt “grumpy”. Zach, on the other hand, stated that it was weird for his son to see his grandpa outside of his “farm”. Therefore, he had trouble conversing with his grandparent. However, the LPBW fanbase feels that as Jackson grows old, he could make sense of the heated circumstance. Therefore, he imitated his parents while interacting with Matt. However, these are merely speculations as there is no verification behind this. At last, the audience was a bit upset at this theory and wished things would go back to normal with the extended Roloff family.
LPBW: Zach Urged Jackson To Tell Matt About Their Washington Move!
As Matt and Zach had a major falling out due to the farm feud, the latter’s family made some major decisions. It turns out Zach and Tori were tired of keeping everyone happy and wanted to do things for themselves. Therefore, they planned to move into a house in Washington and move away from Oregon after not bagging Roloff Farms. Due to this, they also lessened their visits with Matt and Caryn. Moreover, their kids Lilah and Jackson would get to meet grandpa and Cha-Cha a few times.
At last, an episode had Zach and Tori break the news to Matt and Caryn about their Washington move. In fact, they were meeting for the first time after the farm deal didn’t happen. Hence, there was an awkward aura in the air. That’s when Zach urged his son Jackson to tell the elderly couple about their move to Washington. Eventually, fans found this weird and stated adults should have these mature confrontations themselves. However, Zach defended this by stating he wanted his father to evoke some emotions at this news. Hence, he made his 4-year-old son say it. Keep checking TV Season & Spoilers for more LPBW news updates.