LPBW: Isabel’s Baby Mateo Is Redhead, Audrey To Break Friendship Due To Jealousy?

Little People Big World LPBW

Apart from the wholesome nature of their show Little People Big World, the Roloff family members are also famous for their rivalries. Through the years, a lot of feuds happened among the LPBW family members. However, there are still some people who like to remain close-knitted despite everything. This includes sister-in-law Audrey and Isabel Roloff. Their one month apart pregnancy brought them closer this year. Unfortunately, there is speculation that their friendship won’t last long. Keep reading further to know more.

LPBW: Audrey Capable Of Ending Things With Isabel Over Red Hair?

During her time in the show LPBW and social media presence, Audrey has made it loud and clear from her posts that she is very fond of her red hair. Although you might not find anything wrong with that, it does get problematic when it comes to the ex-TV star. That’s because she expressed disappointment frequently about her kids not having the same hair as her. Fans have schooled her frequently for not appreciating her kids’ natural appearances. However, she never pays heed to such opinions. It’s because of such acts, the 30-year-old has never been a fan favorite.

Lately, someone on Reddit pointed out that it would be hilarious if Isabel’s young one Mateo ends up being a redhead. TV Season Spoilers points out that just like the mother-of-3, Isabel Roloff also has red hair. Hence, the account came up with this theory to gather some laughs on the platform. Moreso, other accounts joined in on the fun and trolled Audrey further. A comment even pointed out that the star can end her friendship with Isabel if her son has red hair. The laughter fest went on on Reddit for a long time.

Check Out: Isabel Roloff Shows Beautiful Baby Bump, Will Her Baby Have Red Hair?

Little People Big World LPBW
Source: Reddit, Instagram

LPBW: Audrey Accused of Photoshoping Her Daughter’s Pic; Makes Her A Redhead?

There was a similar incident that fans took notice of. Apparently, the former LPBW star posted a picture of her little daughter, Ember. It was from her pre-school photoshoot. An account posted the photo on Reddit and asked everyone else on the platform if it looked like it had filters. As a result, a lot of viewers agreed to this allegation. As a result, the former TV personality was shunned again for making such changes to her children’s pictures.

Many of the netizens called her out again for forcing red hair on her kid. Although some accounts gushed over Ember’s cuteness, they continued to slam the young mother. Furthermore, others pointed out that a parent should respect their children’s privacy and not post each and everything from their lives. However, the Oregon resident has never addressed these criticisms. Thus, it is least likely that she will react in the future as well.

Source: Reddit
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