The TLC reality show, Little People Big World, has never failed to entertain its audience since 2006. The show has featured the Roloff family growing, and the audience has witnessed the siblings since they were teenagers. Now the show stands at Season 24, which is about to premiere with all the kids grown up and featuring the generation after them. But as they say, some things never change! Yet, the father-son farm issues aren’t resolved yet. Zach and Matt aren’t the two peas in a pot when it comes to their farm. But things took a bizarre turn when they noticed Caryn Chandler getting involved in this feud. To know what happened, keep on reading.
Little People Big World: Fans Slams Caryn Chandler For Her Unnecessary Intervention In The Feud!
The previous season of LPBW changed the dynamics of the show completely. It featured Zach Roloff claiming that he was capable enough to handle his father’s farms. But the patriarch thinks his son’s deal wasn’t convincing enough for him. It caused a never-ending feud that is still ongoing. Zach decided to relocate to Battleground, Washington. Fans didn’t expect that TLC would bring their favorite show back this soon! Season 24 will premiere on November 1. But amidst the feud audience slammed Caryn Chandler for interfering in the family matters.
Fans slammed Caryn by asking her not to interfere as they are not even her kids or grandkids! It is apparent that Caryn is not even Matt’s wife or fiance. A fan pointed out that Caryn shouldn’t even be on the show while calling Matt a greedy person for doing this to his own sons. Amidst all this, Zach welcomed a new member to the family, and he has decided not even to let his baby boy meet Caryn. He exclaimed on the cameras that his father and Caryn didn’t even think they’d done something wrong! In the preview, the 32-year-old son and his wife Tori say that his father’s farm is not a place of joy for them and added that it had a hostile environment!
Little People Big World: Caryn Compares The Feud With Her Complicated Family!
The LPBW fans have witnessed that amidst the feud, the parents of three, Tori and Zach, eventually distanced themselves from his father and the farm. Eventually, they decided not to take their children to the infamous Roloff farm. The elderly couple seems not to take this well. In a confessional, Matt and Caryn spoke about this a expressed their sadness for the same. Fans were shocked when the couple said they didn’t understand why Tori and Zach were still offended!
Later on, Caryn started bragging about her family while stating that she also had issues in her family. But they never got worst to this extent. According to her, Zach and Tori didn’t need to behave this way, and it was weird for her! She also mocked and said she was riding into Roloff’s crazy train. During this, she began to compare Zach and Matt’s other kids to her own children. She has two kids of her own, namely Brittany and Connor. This statement was shocking for the viewers as Caryn’s son was once charged with harassment, and that too with his mom! Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest LPBW updates.