Remember Jon & Kate Plus 8? The TLC series debuted in 2007, following the lives of Jon and Kate Gosselin, their twins, and their sextuplets. However, two years after Jon and Kate’s divorce in 2009, the network canceled the show. During and after its run, both Kate and Jon faced the wrath of fans who accused them of exploiting their children.
Despite the backlash, the controversial show returned with a spin-off series, Kate Plus 8, featuring Kate raising their 8 kids as a single mother. After delivering three low-rated seasons, TLC canceled the spin-off in 2017. However, it seems the network might be reviving the nightmare for yet another run on the TV screens. So, what is the latest update on the controversial show? Continue reading to find out.
Jon & Kate Plus 8 Returns With Old Episodes On TLC!
TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus 8 was one of the lowest-rated reality TV shows, with only a 2.4 rating on IMDb. Since its debut, the underlying issues of the family have been evident on screen. Kate and Jon married in their early 20s and decided to start a family immediately. Due to Kate’s health issues, she underwent fertility treatments, leading to the birth of their sextuplets.
Notably, managing a family of 10 with Jon’s meager salary was a task. Moreover, Kate was more inclined toward her thirst for fame. The couple exploited the kids in inexplicable ways on TV, including the time Jon allowed their children’s potty training to be broadcast. While the father of 8 was often seen as a disappointment, fans considered Kate’s behavior to be far worse.
Now, after five seasons of Jon & Kate Plus 8 and its spin-off, it seems TLC is returning old episodes from the vault for a re-run. Last week, the network posted a video teasing the first episode of the very first season on Instagram. “Who’s ready for a trip down memory lane? A #JonandKatePlus8 season 1 marathon starts TONIGHT at 8/7c!” the caption read.
While TLC seemed eager to reignite nostalgia, many fans were uninterested in revisiting the Gosselin family’s story. “There can’t be a demand for this,” a top comment read. Another fan noted, “Please no. I always felt so bad for him and the kids.” Fans also criticized Kate and her “Karen” hairstyle. One fan sarcastically wrote, “Boo why don’t you just replay the Duggars while you’re spotlighting abusers.”
What Happened To Jon And Kate After Jon & Kate Plus 8?
Jon and Kate were heavily criticized during the run of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Fans considered both as bad parents. However, some believed that Jon was comparatively better than Kate as he eventually realized his mistake. After their divorce, the two went separate ways. In November 2023, Jon became a DJ.
Kate, on the other hand, seems to be struggling financially. Fans believed that the reality star worked as a nurse in North Carolina. However, that speculation is likely not true. According to an insider, Kate has never had a real job other than reality TV in 17 years. Moreover, her nursing license will expire in 2025. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all more news updates.