Netflix’s 2019 animated show, Green Eggs And Ham was a heart-warming experience for millions of people around the world. However, for over a year now, fans of the comedy series have been waiting to watch some new episodes. Fortunately, the streamer has already renewed Green Eggs And Ham Season 2. Even if it takes a while, the sequel will surely land on our screens sometime in the future. Hence, here is everything you need to know about the upcoming installment.
Green Eggs And Ham is a critically acclaimed animated show that debuted on Netflix back in November 2019. The comedy series inspires its story from a sixty-year-old children’s book written by Dr. Seuss. It gained instant popularity when it was released and ended up winning the hearts of millions of Netflix subscribers. In fact, the series won the prestigious Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Casting for an Animation Series or Special in 2020.
Green Eggs And Ham Season 2: Official Renewal & Trailer
After the way it performed, it was obvious for audience to expect another season of the series. The demand for Green Eggs And Ham Season 2 surged soon after the first season’s release. Hence, Netflix listened to the fans and renewed the sequel within a few months. In December 2019, the streamer confirmed that they would soon serve us some new episodes. They also revealed the title of the upcoming installment i. e. Green Eggs And Ham: The Second Serving.
Alongside the renewal announcement, the streaming giant also revealed Season 1’s last moments, teasing the second season. The video created a buzz amongst the animated series’ fans. As of now, Netflix has not revealed if they have started the productions or not. Well, Green Eggs And Ham is amongst the most expensive animated series ever. Hence, the production process is likely to take longer than most of the other animated shows.
On the other hand, the productions for the debut season was planned to complete within three years. Yet, it took a total of four years to hit the screens. Given the circumstances, we hope that Netflix is quicker with the production of Green Eggs And Ham Season 2. Fortunately, as reported by TheCinemaholic, actress Ilana Glazer (who plays E.B.) has already completed recording for the second installment. Hence, the new episodes might hit the screens anytime soon. We will update this section with relevant information and all future updates.
The Second Serving Will Have Lesser Episodes!
Soon after the renewal of Green Eggs And Ham: The Second Serving, the animated series’ creators confirmed that it would be shorter than the first season. The debut installment had a total of 13 episodes that were released altogether. However, the sequel will only have ten episodes this time. The number might increase after the production, but as of now, Netflix has planned to shorten the watch time.
What Will Be The Plot Of The New Season?
Spoilers For Season 1 Ahead!
The comedy series centers around Sam I Am and Guy Am I going on an unexpected trip with two other characters to find a rare Chickeraffe that Sam lost. The series ends on a positive note, with all our favorite characters reuniting. Moreover, Guy finally discovers that he likes green eggs and ham. In the final moments, Guy realizes that the eggs taste like his mom’s. Hence, both Sam and Guy now pick up another journey to Ma’s Farmhouse in East Flubria. Green Eggs And Ham Season 2 will explore Guy’s family.
Green Eggs And Ham Season 2: Release Date
Even though Netflix has already renewed the much-awaited sequel, they are yet to announce its release date. Last year, many rumors said that the new season could premiere sometime in November 2020 (corresponding Season 1’s November 2019). However, fans were disappointed when no episodes were released that month. Well, speculations say that the production for the upcoming installment is ongoing. Hence, our bet for Green Eggs And Ham Season 2 release date is November 2021. Hopefully, the streamer will launch an official trailer in the coming months.
How was your experience of watching Green Eggs And Ham Season 2? Are you excited for the new season? Share with us in the comments below.