General Hospital is as high on its drama quotient as ever! The latest shocker on the ABC sudser came in the form of the evil Cassadine Patriarch, Victor, finding out he had been poisoned! While he is a man of many means, as of now, it seems there is no cure for his condition. Thus, he has shifted his focus on trying to find out who slipped him the wretched poison. Considering the fact that he has pulled so many dubious and downright evil stunts all through his life, the list of suspects is long! Will Victor be able to find out who the culprit is?
Victor Finds Out He Has Been Poisoned
Making extreme murder plots and kidnapping schemes are some of Victor Cassadine’s favorite hobbies on General Hospital. However, it seems that the tables have turned on Port Charles’ biggest baddie. In the recent episodes of the ABC soap, he found out that there is a rare pathogen in his body. Something that has entered his blood streams from something he ingested. In simple language, someone slipped a poison in his food or drink. The tests that were run, traced the poisoning time back to November, 2022.
Dr. Finn, despite being an excellent medico on General Hospital, gave Victor some disappointing updates. Apparently, there is neither an antidote for the poison, nor any treatment for Victor’s condition at the moment. So what will happen to Victor now? Can all his money, power, and connections save him from the danger that looms over his head? Well, there is a chance that he could get a hoard of scientists to create a life-saving medicine for him, but we’ll have to wait and find out! In more immediate days, Victor might try to zero in on who could have done this to him. Because just in case he is going down, he would definitely want to take the culprit with him!
Who Dunnit On General Hospital?
As we pointed earlier, Victor has managed to earn himself countless enemies in Port Charles and around on General Hospital. So the list of suspects is very long. But hey, at least going through it will keep him distracted long enough for his minions to find him a cure! Anyhoo, coming back to the list of suspects. Victor pointed out the first name by accusing Laura of the rotten act. However, it’s safe to assume that the beloved mayor wouldn’t stoop so low. She would attack upfront if she had to! Besides, her hands are too full with Nik, Spencer, Esme and their drama.

The next name on the list is Holly Sutton! Victor really did her so bad on General Hospital. He held Ethan hostage and made her do despicable things. She could certainly poison him for revenge. Besides, she is poised to return to soap soon enough! Another person all set to return to General Hospital is, Tracy Quartermaine. There is a fair chance that she would make it to the suspect list, after all Luke’s death can be pinned on Victor! But hey, what if Luke is not dead? What if he was the one who poisoned Victor? Luke might return in time for the 60th Anniversary and become part of the massive showdown!
Who do you think could have done it? Tell us your pick in the comments below. Meanwhile, stay tuned to ABC over weekdays to see if Victor survives the poisoning on General Hospital.