General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy And Blair’s Secret Pact Revisited, Martin Being Played

General Hospital Spoilers - Martin -Blair

Tracy Quartermaine knows her moves, and Port Charles is her board of chess. General Hospital spoilers recall that not too long ago, when Tracy made her move to snatch Deception, she had a deal with Blair. It was a storyline that sort of became lost in the large pool of characters, plots, and sub-plots that the ABC soap boasts of. But not everything that is lost is forgotten! Especially when it concerns Tracy. So, let’s take a look at what long game she could be playing here!

Tracy And Blair’s Covenant

Previously, on GH, Tracy took Deception to court for stealing Blair’s idea for the company. General Hospital spoilers recollect that at the time, Tracy made a deal that Martin would marry Lucy so Blair wouldn’t have to pay him alimony anymore. But after the judgment came in Tracy’s favor and she snagged the shares she was after, the story fizzled out. Blair was then off the canvas. And there was no talk about the marriage or alimony.

General Hospital Spoilers -Tracy -Blair
GH/ Tracy and Bair have an “understanding”

Well, stories being dropped halfway is nothing new in Soapverse. In fact, it happens all the time. However, considering that Tracy is involved in this matter, there is a fair chance that she is just pausing to make the right move at the right time. Recently, she had a pressing sense that Lucy was up to something shady with Scotty. Tracy immediately roped Martin into the loop. And it led him to break up with Lucy. Now, on the surface, it may look as though the result went against Tracy’s goal. But did it really?

General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy’s Long Game

Perhaps what has happened is not the final destination for Martin and Lucy, but the penultimate when. Maybe this breakup will put Lucy on the edge with fear of losing Martin. Meanwhile, Tracy may start pushing Martin to see that Lucy’s alliance with Scotty was possibly a professional coup and not a romantic dalliance.

General Hospital Spoilers reveal that Tracy may be holding on to some trump cards in her sleeves that we can’t see just yet. That woman knows how to get what she wants and gets it! Possibly, a few episodes down the line, she may manage to convince Martin that he has made a huge blunder by letting Lucy go. And that if he doesn’t act upon damage control, he may lose her forever.

GH/ Martin makes a grand gesture for Lucy

Thus pushing him into making a grand gesture of love and even popping the question to Lucy. Which she may happily accept. Eventually, she positioned everyone where Tracy wanted them exactly. Martin and Lucy together – and Blair free of giving any further alimony. But there is one blind spot that may catch Tracy off-guard. Brook Lynn Quartermaine!

While BLQ has nothing to do with the marriage and alimony storyline, she surely has an agenda of her own regarding Deception. Which Tracy would hate. So, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more General Hospital spoilers and updates on what lies ahead for Tracy and her handlings of Deception!

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