Cyrus is truly rising as a menacing threat for many Port Charles residents these days on General Hospital. Especially since he is out in the open now, he has become all the more dangerous. But there is one person in particular who needs to really gear up against the self-proclaimed reformed mobster. It is, Sonny’s ex and Drew current boo, Carly! But what does Cyrus want from her? Or is it just HER that he wants? Well, let’s find out!
Cyrus Ominously Offers Peace To Carly
After securing his release from the prison, thanks to Scotty, Cyrus visited Drew at the hospital. There, he crossed paths with feisty Carly. He once again tried to pull out his “finding religion” card and told her that he was a reformed man. Cyrus tried to convince Carly that anything he previously did to her was not personal. Moreover, it was the old Cyrus’ doing and not the new one! But, Alas! She bought his claims only as much as we did! It is clear nothing has changed with Cyrus, or may be just his strategies.

We know he is clearly acting from a place of vengeance and jealousy on General Hospital. Most of them towards the mighty Sonny Corinthos. The two have an old rivalry, but Cyrus has never been able to one up the dimpled don. It seems that Cyrus is now hell bent on having Sonny’s life. And it looks like he wants to start with Carly! He wants everything that Sonny has. Power, respect, love and family. In his twisted mind, he can’t seem to fathom that why Sonny has all those things and he doesn’t, when they both are gangsters.
Cyrus Intends To Take Carly For Himself On General Hospital
The latest spoilers tease that as the storyline progresses, Cyrus will become obsessed with Carly. There are a few reasons for that but the top one is, not only is she connected with Sonny, but also Drew. He might think of her as the prize and pass to everything that he wants. And also a way to defeat the formidable Sonny Corinthos on General Hospital. He may at first try to persuade Carly, perhaps try to woo her. We know Cyrus has a warped way of thinking. He might begin to think that he can win her over. However, it is clear he can’t!

In fact, when Cyrus realizes that all he will ever get from Carly are rejections, he might become all the mote enraged. The spoilers reveal that they will have more tense encounters during the week of October 30-November 3, 2023. So we can assume that Cyrus will be in no mood to back down. But how will he react when Carly rejects him. Or could the story take an even twisted turn where she decides to fake feelings for him to use his own plan against him! All we can say is, there are some interesting days ahead! So stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more General Hospital updates.