General Hospital: Elizabeth LANDS Behind PRISON

The rising body count on General Hospital might finally come to a standstill now that Ryan is dead and Heather has been put behind bars. However, there is one murder that can’t be charted off to these two psycho serial killers. The murder of Nikolas Cassadine. The person responsible for his death is his wife, Ava Jerome. But the latest General Hospital spoilers tease that Liz will get trapped in Nik’s murder investigation. Moreover, Victor Cassadine will have a hand in her embroilment. Is Liz about to spend the rest of her life behind bars? Keep reading to find out!

Victor Accuses Liz Of Nik’s Murder

How long could have Nik’s absence gone unnoticed at General Hospital? Especially when Esme just gave birth to his baby. The attention had to eventually come back to the missing Prince of Spoon Island. The latest General Hospital spoilers tease that the search for Nik will bear no result. Neither his body nor any of his belongings will be found on Spoon Island. All suspicions would first fall on his uncle Victor Cassadine for more reasons than one. After all, he is a legacy criminal mastermind. Moreover, he has just suffered the loss of his son, Valentin. So a murderous lash back is not unlikely for him!

GH/Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) accuses Liz

However, during interrogation, Victor will try to shift the focus from himself to Elizabeth on General Hospital. He will reason that Esme came up with the whole story about Nikolas kidnapping Esme just to frame him. And when that panned out, she probably killed him. Liz will vehemently deny the accusations, of course. Although, the relentless back and forth of blame will amount to nothing more than a case of he said-she said. Furthermore, the General Hospital spoilers hint that Liz will soon realize that it’s Liesl who is backing up Victor’s accusations. After all, Liesl broke up with Scott when he tried to defend Liz. Will Liz be able to break free of this web?

Liz Gets Arrested On General Hospital?

Victor is accusing Liz purely because he knows he didn’t kill Nikolas on General Hospital. However, Liz didn’t kill him either! Thus, there is no substantial proof against Liz in the matter. So it’s unlikely that she will be arrested on the charges of his murder. However, that in no way means she is safe. Because if there is anything worse than going to prison, it is not going to prison and being on Victor’s hitlist! Laura and Liz might soon realize that Victor has now become a looming threat to Liz.

GH/ Liz (Rebecca Herbst) wonders what happened to Nik

Hence, she may struggle to find ways of trying to take cover from Victor on General Hospital. Moreover, it will become essential for her to either locate where Nik is or find clues that expose who is responsible for his disappearance. Victor will continue to remain the prime suspect in the matter, simply because no one trusts him, and he is very much capable of murdering his nephew. However, there is another person who might fall under Liz’s suspicions, Ava Jerome! It’s no secret that she was at war with Nik. Moreover, Victor mediated her divorce with Nik and ensured she gets Wyndemere. This may lead Liz to wonder if the two of them are in it together!

Do you think Liz and Laura will be able to uncover the truth behind Nik’s murder on General Hospital? Please share your views in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to ABC over weekdays to see what happens next on General Hospital.

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