Cameron Webber is chasing new rainbows on General Hospital. The Port Charles youngster has managed to bag a scholarship to Stanford and is ready to spread his wings to fly high! But is there a bigger reason for GH makers behind sending Cam to Stanford in specific? Perhaps there is a twist in the tale waiting right ahead for Cameron and the viewers of the ABC soap. What if Cam bumps into someone special from his past at Stanford? Will his broken heart heal? Keep reading to find out!
Cameron Has A Meet Cute With His Childhood Sweetheart
Many viewers would remember who Emma Scorpio-Drake is on General Hospital. However, for the unversed, Emma is the daughter of Dr. Patrick Drake and Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake. She was famously known as the miracle child on General Hospital, as she was conceived even though Robin was HIV-positive, and yet Patrick did not get infected. Cut to a few years later, Emma, Spencer, and Cam were buddies as children. The two boys were smitten by Emma’s charms and often competed for her attention.

However, both boys lost out on their chances with her when Emma moved to Berkeley on General Hospital. Ever since then, there hasn’t been much talk about her on the soap. Not even amongst her former fanboys, Cam and Spencer. The last we saw her was in 2020 when she came to Port Charles to visit Anna. However, the visit was rather short, and she did not get a chance to meet any of her old buddies. Thus, it’s safe to assume that she isn’t in touch with Cam or Spencer. So imagine the stir of emotions they would feel if Cam and Emma unexpectedly bump into each other on Campus!
Cam-Emma Rekindle Childhood Love, Return to Port Charles Engaged On General Hospital
Moving across the country to start a new life is never easy. So as much as a heartbroken Cam needs a fresh start, it is going to be a tough move. Under those circumstances, bumping into a familiar face from back home can be the most comforting thing ever. You may wonder why we think Cam would bump into Emma, Scorpio of all people. Well, Stanford and Berkeley are all 31.35 miles apart. So there is a huge chance that Emma would choose to continue her education at Stanford. It would be close to home and yet away! No teenager wants to have their college experience while still living at home!

If Cam and Emma bump into each other on General Hospital, they would have so much to talk about. They’ve shared many childhood years together and then had these two separate lives for so many years. They would easily end up spending hours filling each other in over coffee! At some point, Cam may even share with Emma the story of his recent heartbreak, and that could become the turning point of their dynamic. The two of them may start depending on each other in an unknown city!
How much more would two child sweethearts need to develop feelings for each other, really? Imagine the looks on their families if they visited PC as a couple on General Hospital! Would Spencer still feel a tinge of jealousy? Or would they all have a good laugh over it? Stay tuned to the upcoming episodes of General Hospital to see if sparks fly between Cam and Emma at Stanford!