General Hospital has multiple storylines going on at the moment. All of them, just as thrilling as the other. Suspense, murders, coming back from the dead or fighting a deadly battle, you name it and they have it all. While some mysteries get solved quickly, there are other that have been going in circles for a long-long time! One such mystery is that of Esme’s mother. However, latest GH spoilers suggest that the mystery is about to be solved soon. And, shockingly, the wined of the (not so) coveted title is, well, keep reading to find out!
The Mysterious Mother Of The She-Devil
Ever since Esme appeared in General Hospital. The mystery of her biological roots surrounded her. While it was soon revealed that she came to Port Charles to track down her father, evil Ryan. The real truth about her maternity was never bright to light. However, the fact that Esme or Ryan themselves have never hinted at any woman in particular, leaves the playing field wide open for it to be practically anyone!

Earlier, General Hospital fans were speculating that perhaps, Felicia Scorpio, could be the mystery mother. But, it seems her hands are quite full with her husband’s long-lost son, Cody Bell! What are the chances both spouses will have lost children turn up at their step right at the same time? Bleak, we would say. Also, there isn’t much drama in her being Esme’s bio mom! It has to be someone else! Recently, we discussed the possibility of Heather Webber being her mother! However, a certain scene in a recent General Hospital episode has brought in another name of mettle!
Olivia Jerome, Esme’s REAL Bio Mother On General Hospital
While Heather Webber sure is sinister enough to birth a devil-like Esme, there is another contender who could be just as viable! In a recent General Hospital episode, Cyrus mentioned to Laura that Olivia was ready to roll out the red carpet for Anna. Bam. Just like that, out of nowhere Cyrus’ name dropped Olivia! And we know suddenly mentioned characters have a habit of turning up on screen soon after!
For those who don’t know, Olivia Jerome is Ava’s sister! Yup, Ava, who is married to Nikolas. Who’s the kid Esme is carrying? Intense, right? It would be so twisted to see Ava turning out to be Esme’s aunt. That’s another explosive storyline right there! And, of course, Olivia is just evil enough to be Esme’s mom! It’s easy to imagine two people like Ryan and Olivia giving birth to someone like Esme Price!

What do you think of this possibility? Would you like to watch all the drama that would follow this revelation? Tell us in the comments! Meanwhile, stay tuned to ABC to watch the latest episodes of General Hospital.