Amidst the murder mystery of Craig Reed (Ben Addis), Emmerdale is witnessing multiple secret revelations of Dingles through flashbacks. In the last episode, we saw Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) at the hospital. The show has revealed that he has bumped into Gus Malcolm (Alan McKenna) and his current wife Lucy (Charlotte Asprey). He found out Gus had forged Rhona Goskirk’s (Zoë Henry) signature to use their embryos. But who is he hiding such a massive secret? And how will Rhona react when she gets to know about it?
Emmerdale: What Is Marlon Hiding From Rhona?
In the recent episode of Emmerdale, we saw Marlon at the hospital to see a doctor. As he came across statistics that say someone who’s had a stroke is at a greater risk of having another within two years, he is afraid to get sick again. The doctor informed terrified Marlon that he was being discharged because of his amazing recovery. Immediately, Marlon texts Rhona, sharing the good news. While heading out, he bumps into Gus and Lucy. Marlon was left in shock as he saw Lucy was pregnant.
A few months back, we saw Gus’ arrival to Emmerdale to seek Rhona’s approval to use one of her frozen embryos with his wife Lucy. The couple was struggling to conceive naturally. Ultimately, Rhona decided to refuse and did not give her consent. Soon after this incident, Rhona found out her passport had gone missing. They were certain that Faye must be responsible for it, but now it turns out to be something bigger.
Lucy Is Pregnant, Gus Forged Rhona’s Signature To Use Embryos
In the Wednesday episode of Emmerdale, when Marlon confronted Gus and Lucy, they lied and said that the pregnancy was normal, but Marlon didn’t believe them for obvious reasons. He was suspicious about Rhona not telling him about giving consent, Gus revealed that he stole Rhona’s passport and forged her signature to use the embryos.
Marlon was shocked beyond words. Gus requested to keep it a secret from Rhona. While Lucy claimed that the child is a part of her now, Marlon pointed out that the child will biologically be Rhona’s – and she’s got no idea. Marlon then got furious when Lucy told him that telling everyone about their secret would have bad consequences, including Gus going to jail.
After returning home, Marlon was sure that he would share all that happened with Rhona, but as soon as she arrived with tears in her eyes, he changed his mind. Rhona already had a bad day with an injured day. Considering that, Marlon chose not to tell her. But how long will Marlon keep the truth from her? And what will happen when he does? To find out, stay tuned to the TV Season & Spoilers for more Emmerdale updates!