Congratulations are in order for EastEnders actor Stephen Rahman Hughes who plays the role of Adam Bateman on the soap opera. The actor has some great news to share with his fans. Taking onto his social media, Stephen introduced the world to his two munchkins. He recently welcomed them with his wife, Anjali. He posted pictures of his two sons on his Instagram story and told everyone that he loved the two munchkins. Jokingly, he added that he was trying to remember what sleep felt like.
The fortunate actor had announced the birth of his two boys back in January 2023 when he told the fans that his life had taken a “massive twist.” He first introduced the world to his twins, Sonny and Remy, and thanked his wife, Anjali Mehra, for delivering the two beautiful boys. Back then, the actor had said that they were beyond happy to be welcoming Sonny and Remy to their clan. He wished they had Juney to welcome her grandsons. Speaking more about this addition, the actor recalled how his wife struggled and had a difficult experience with their daughter Aphra just 18 months ago. Thankfully, it was smooth this time.
Looking forward to the happier times ahead of them, the actor said, “double the trouble, but double the joy” for his kids. He had said that they expect to have a riotous time with their three angels. Revealing the struggle, Rahman Hughes revealed that he and his wife have patiently hoped and waited for children. Now that they have three of them, they feel truly blessed and grateful.
It is heartwarming to see actor Stephen Rahman from EastEnders with his family. These are sweet joys in life that fill your heart with gratitude. We at TV Seasons & Spoilers congratulate the actor and wish them all the love and luck. In the meantime, we do hope to see him more in action on EastEnders. What do you think about that? Tell us in the comments below.