BBC One’s EastEnders has been on air for decades. But how ever old the soap might be, it is still very much relevant when it comes to it’s content. The soap ever so often includes social topics in it’s storylines that need to become dining table conversation. Recently, it brought to light mental health discussions related to anxiety and PTSD through Kim. Also, through her journey, the soap encouraged the viewers who might be facing similar issues to own up to the situation and seek help without shame.
Now, EastEnders is bringing another very important topic in to the spotlight, eating disorders. As the soap has already established, Ben is battling with Bulimia. The life wrecking year that he has had so far, has really impacted his mental health. And his struggle with the disorder is getting worse by the day. In the upcoming episodes, Callum Highway will come home to find his husband, Ben, in the middle of a purge episode. But what leads Ben to this collapse? Keep reading to find out!

Honey Tries To Get Through To Ben
Ben will continue to struggle with his feelings of inadequacy as his parental hearing with Jay comes upon him on EastEnders. Ben will choose to beat his frustration out at the Boxing Den. It will begin to seem like he will miss the court appearance. However, George Knight will manage to convince him to go for Lexi’s sake. Feeling moved, by George’s words, Ben will race to the courthouse and manage to make it on time. Later, at the Vic, amidst celebrations, Honey will notice Ben’s odd behaviour around food. When Ben leaves for home, she will follow him in hopes to get through to him.

Honey will open up to Ben about her own struggle with bulimia on EastEnders. Unfortunately, Ben will become defensive and lash out at her. But Honey will continue to be encouraging and tell him to open up about his struggles to Callum. Later, Ben will spot Honey with Callum, and assume the worst. He will lash out at her not knowing that she has kept his secret. Despite, his rash behaviour, Honey will continue to have his back and once again urge him to open up to Callum.
Kat Gives Ben Solid Advice On EastEnders
Later, Ben will bump into Kat at the Boxing Den on EastEnders, She will be shocked to see how miserable Ben is and try to get through to him. Kat is as fierce as one can be. She will open up to Ben about her experiences as a rape survivor. She will warn Ben that if he doesn’t seek help he will destroy himself and everyone around him. Subsequently, he will also have a confrontation with Phil. Feeling overwhelmed, Ben will break down at home and go through a purge episode. Callum will walk in to find Ben in the middle of it.

Much to Ben’s shock, Callum will be supportive and understanding of the circumstances on EastEnders. Unfortunately, Ben will get cold feet and will fail to open up to Callum about his battle with bulimia. At this point, Callum wants nothing more than just being their for his partner. But Ben’s personal struggles and mental blockages are stopping him from letting Callum in. Will Ben take Honey and Kat’s advice and muster up the courage to open up to his partner? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more EastEnders updates.