Duggar News: Joy Anna’s Youngest Son Gunner Almost Lost His Life, Rushed To The Hospital!


Joy Anna Forsyth, previously Duggar, has also built a good life for herself after the disturbing incidents of her brother Josh came into the limelight. Like many other siblings, Joy Anna is completely focused on her family life. But she recently made it to the Duggar News due to something rather concerning.

Joy Anna and her husband, Austin Forsyth, parent three kids, i.e., Gideon, Evelyn and Gunner. As they have social media, they often share their adventures there, too. But a new vlog by the Counting On star scared everyone. She revealed how her son, Gunner, almost lost his life due to a choking hazard! How did such a dangerous thing happen?

Duggar News: Joy-Anna Reveals How Feeding Gunner Ham Caused Him Choking Hazard!

Joy Anna Duggar, like her other siblings, is living a happy married life. She likes sharing her life more broadly with Duggar News followers. Hence, she has a Youtube channel where she shares all her adventures with her family. But a new video on her profile was rather concerning. She explained how she had to rush her 13-month-old son Gunner to a hospital.

The young mother revealed how she had fed ham to her little one. He ended up biting a little more than he could have handled. Hence, Gunner immediately began to choke on it, and Joy-Anna lost her calm. She also called her husband, Austin, who is an EMT. Despite their baby vomitting many times, they could sense he was having difficulty breathing and even stopped doing so after a while. So, they decided to take him to the emergency room and headed to the hospital.

All this while, Joy-Anna was praying to God as many “what ifs” were crossing her mind. Once they brought their 13-month-old to the hospital and he slept, he was able to breathe better. The doctors performed testing, and after looking at the X-rays, the family was finally relieved that Gunner was breathing clearly again. Duggar News followers were not happy with this update, they tried school Joy Anna and Austin about being more careful about food proportions with their baby.

Duggar News: Austin & Joy-Anna Have A History Of Putting Kids In Danger!

As the choking hazard with Gunner happened, everyone agreed that it was a very close call. Duggar News followers have often seen a pattern when it comes to Austin and Joy Anna’s parenting skills. They feel the family is not gentle and mindful enough while taking care of their babies. Hence, they are always slamming them for their toxic and extremely dangerous moves.

Duggar News

Back in 2022, Austin thought it would be a good idea to go zipline with his son Gideon, who was merely 2 years old. He tried to inform everyone that the little one was harnessed in, but it didn’t convince viewers. The parents received a lot of flak for allowing their little one to indulge in such a dangerous sport.

Do you think Austin and Joy Anna should be more diligent when it comes to looking after their babies? Or is the audience overly critical of them? Tell us how you feel in the comments below. Keep track of all the latest Duggar News updates by checking TV Season & Spoilers.

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