Duggar News: Josh Duggar Is Getting Punished In Prison! Forced To Stay Hungry?

Duggar News


Josh Duggar’s list of crimes has made Duggar News fans beyond disgusted. It started with molestation allegations against his own sisters. Then, he was a part of the Ashley Madison leak scandal, where married men make profiles on a dating app to cheat on their spouses. At last, he was guilty of possessing CSAM on his computer and got a 12.5-year sentence.

Since then, Josh Duggar has also been guilty of creating havoc in prison as well. There were also rumors about him cheating on his wife, Anna Duggar, with a trans inmate. Well, it looks like the correctional institution, FCI Seagoville, has had enough. The officials have found a new way to ensure the inmates end up getting some consequences for their actions!

Duggar News

Duggar News: Josh Duggar Is Facing An Extended Sentence After Breaking Rules In Prison

It was shocking for Duggar News followers to see Josh Duggar smiling in his mugshot for his arrest for CSAM. Since then, they have been skeptical and predicted that the reality TV star wouldn’t be taking his sentence or the consequences of his crime seriously. Last year, in February 2024, Josh was caught with a contraband cell phone, violating his sentence.

Following this, the officials put Josh in solitary confinement. Apart from this, he also faced yet another severe consequence for his rule break. It turns out FCI Seagoville extended his prison sentence for an additional 51 days. Hence, his original release date was supposed to fall on August 12, 2032. Now, he will be serving two more months and will be released on October 2, 2032.

Duggar News: Josh Duggar Is On A Hunger Strike? Prison Is Punishing Him For Breaking Rules?

Duggar News followers followed the verdict very closely when it came out, Josh Duggar went to Washington County Detention Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas, to serve his 12-year prison sentence. However, in late June 2022, they shifted Josh to FCI Seagoville in Texas. As mentioned before, his scandals didn’t stop in the correctional unit. He was in a correctional unit because of being guilty of having a contraband phone.


As per the reports, FCI Seagoville finally decided to punish their inmates for breaking the rules for having contraband. So, they have banned them from having “recreational time.” It’s a time given to inmates for outdoor activities and playing sports within the prison. Some also play instruments under this. Well, an entire dorm was upset over this.

Hence, they decided to go on a hunger strike to rebel against this ban. Apparently, the dorm Josh Duggar has been in is also a part of this strike. They have refused to eat anything until they get their original recreational time back. However, it’s still unclear if Josh Duggar has become a part of this strike or not. Many feel that it serves him right for all the rule breaks.

However, there is no confirmation if Josh Duggar is a participant in this strike along with other inmates. But there was a recent spotting of him in the outdoor area of the prison. Do you think Josh is willing to do the hunger strike? Tell us in the comments. Keep an eye on TV Season & Spoilers for more Duggar News updates.

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