Days of Our Lives: Will Brady’s Rash Behavior Cost Him Rachel’s Custody?

Brady had been sort of dormant in the previous couple of weeks on Days of Our Lives. After he lost Chloe to Xander, he has done nothing more than brooding and grunting. However, it seems that it’s time for Brady to return to the limelight. In fact, he is about to allow the “bad Brady” to come out and play! We already saw a glimpse of him in the recent episode where he threatened Kristen! While as endearing as it was to watch him be all fierce and proactive, he may have done himself some solid damage!

Rachel Witnesses Brady Threatening Kristen

Kristen has done many questionable things on Days of Our Lives. In fact, most of them were downright criminal! The most recent of them was holding off the orchids, the unavailability of which almost cost Kayla, Kate, and Marlena their lives. However, if there is one redeeming quality of Kristen, then it has to be her love for Rachel. As twisted as her ways and means may be, she truly loves Rachel and wants the best for her daughter. Rachel, too seems to be eager to reunite with her mom! Recently, she sneaked off to meet Kristen and then hid with her at the DiMera mansion while Brady sweated bullets, thinking his daughter was missing.

DOOL/ Brady threatens Kristen

However, it took Brady all of five seconds to deduce that Kristen must be hiding Rachel on Days of Our Lives. Despite his mother’s warnings, Brady let his anger get the best of him. And made a move that is bound to bite him later! In a fit of rage, he barged into Kristen’s home and took her at gunpoint. Demanding her to give his daughter back. Even before Kristen could react, Rachel came out of hiding, terrorized by the sight of Brady threatening her mom with a gun. Brady then proceeded to haul Rachel away, even as she continued to weep and demanded to stay with her mother!

Days of Our Lives: Rachel Calls The Cops, Tries To Get Brady Arrested

Rachel might be a little girl, but she isn’t one to be taken lightly on Days of Our Lives! The little firecracker wasted no time in calling the cops on her dad. Consequently, Jada showed up at Brady’s place to arrest him for threatening Kristen. While Brady tried to defend himself to Jada, Rachel appeared and stated that she called the cops because he tried to kill her mom! Later, Belle managed to get Brady free for the time being. But this matter is far from over! In fact, it is just getting started! Kristen has put an offer on the table for Brady! She told Belle that she wouldn’t press charges if Brady agreed to amend the custody agreement in her favor.

DOOL/ Rachel is upset with Brady

So, if Brady wants to remain out of prison, he will either have to agree to Kristen’s term or find a better way to fight this battle on Days of Our Lives. If Kristen presses charges and Brady gets arrested, his case to retain Rachel’s custody as is will get weaker. This impulsive act of violently threatening Kristen in front of their little girl has really given Kristen an upper hand. Eventually, leaving Brady no way out but to meet Kristen halfway. Do you think Brady will manage to reach an agreement with Kristen, or will she snatch Rachel from him for good? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more Days of Our Lives updates.

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